
Persuasive Essay On Deforestation

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Every single year humans cut down at least 7.3 million hectares (18 million acres) of forest land. While cutting trees down allows for animals to graze and urbanization, all people should know how deforestation affects them and the world because many species of animals and natural medicines could be gone forever, there would be little to no oxygen filtration, and all rainforests could disappear in less than 100 years. As humans and animals, in general, they all require oxygen which is filtered by trees and plants but if they are being cleared so rapidly and ultimately harming the atmosphere when cut, people should not be slashing and occasionally burning these nonrenewable resources (51 Facts About Deforestation). There are a few ways forests are being removed. but there are two main methods and they both leave the land barren. The first is called clear cutting, the name is somewhat self-explanatory. Essentially the forests are completely cut down and nothing is left behind but the soil which will soon erode. With no roots to keep the soil in place it will blow away and the land will be of no use to anyone. Another method is slash-and-burn. This is similar to the clear cutting option but in this they cut they trees completely and burn them after. With the slash-and-burn method the land is full of nourishment from the fire so most of the time there are new crops planted after but this only last for a few years. When the soil goes back to growing weeds the farmers of the land will find a new patch of land and will slash-and-burn this land. This will repeat until there is no land left fit enough for agricultural purposes. Loggers also cut down th majority of trees so people can have paper products, lumber, and occasionally fuel. Some of these loggers act illegally and build secret roads to access forests that no one knows about (Deforestation: Facts, Causes & Effects).
Many of the forests being cut are in the amazon which produces about 20% of the Earth’s oxygen and with it so rapidly being destroyed, inhabitants will not have as much oxygen in the world as it once had. Nearly half of the tropical forests have already been cleared out. Along with not having fresh air to breathe there are animals and potentially

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