
Persuasive Essay On Epilepsy

Decent Essays

IM - - Content - Emergencies & First Aid As a pet owner, one of the most important things you can do for your pets is to stay on top of their health and know the symptoms of a possible emergency. Being aware of common symptoms that pets often exhibit when they are distressed, injured or sick will allow you act quickly by either rushing them to Urgent Pet care Omaha or stabilizing the pet until you can get to an emergency veterinarian in Millard and Omaha, NE. Unfortunately, it’s often difficult to know when your pet has a problem that requires emergency treatment, so here are a few of the most common pet emergencies that you should be aware of. Seizures When a pet is having a seizure, the most common signs often include paddling with the legs, uncontrollable shaking and tremors and/or loss of consciousness as well as the possibility of loss of bowel or bladder control. Epilepsy is the most common cause of seizures in pets, so it is important to remember that if your pet has been diagnosed with epilepsy, not all seizures are considered an emergency. However, several seizures occur with a 24-hour period or the seizure last longer than a few minutes, it is considered an emergency and you should immediately take your pet to Urgent Pet Care Omaha. …show more content…

If you notice your pet is wheezing, coughing excessively, has shallow breathing, choking and/or raspy breathing, it is critical that you take them to an emergency veterinarian in Millard and Omaha, NE immediately. There is a number of reasons why your pet may be having breathing problems, such as heart disease, lung disease, allergic reactions or a foreign body in their throat, so the best solution is to seek medical

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