
Persuasive Essay On Free College

Decent Essays

We are always told that social programs such as free college, social security, and rent control are put in place to “help” those that are unable to assist themselves. There are many people that believe free college is the answer to high college debt, just ask Bernie Sanders and Gov. Cuomo. But what these people do not understand is the affect “free college” will have on the forgotten man. But who is the forgotten man? This is how William Sumner, a Yale professor, describes it:
As soon as A observes something which seems to him wrong, from which X is suffering, A talks it over with B, and A and B then propose to get a law passed to remedy the evil and help X. Their law always proposes to determine what C shall do for X, or, in better case, what A, B, and C shall do for X... What I want to do is to look up C. I want to show you what manner of man he is. I call him the …show more content…

Let’s break it down. Bernie Sanders wants free college education (he is A). Bernie Sanders is not going to be able to get ‘free college’ by himself so he talks it over with the Democrats (person B) to get them on board with him. So, Bernie and the Democrats (A and B) collude together to “help” college students (person X). Obviously, Bernie and the Democrats are not going to be paying for the free college so they make person C pay and that is the forgotten …show more content…

Most students will work part-time during their college years while these people must work fulltime. So, they are paying into the system 4-8 years before the college student. These people are also unable to retire because they cannot afford it. So, they work far beyond the age of 65. So, insistence they are footing the bill for the middle class and they don’t ever get to receive the fruit of their own labor. They work longer, pay more, and receive less even though these polices are meant to help

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