
Persuasive Essay On Funding For Education

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“Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.” This quote, said by Nelson Mandela, states that education can be used to change the world and be used for the betterment of society, yet education across America it is still not a top priority. Thousands of schools across America are severely underfunded and have trouble providing the resources to properly educate the next American generation, a generation that will eventually become the future of the country. Education spending, however, is at an all-time high compared to past decades, but funding still mostly comes from state and local resources. Having more funding for education from the government will help improve schools across the country because it will help students in long-term ways, help equalize education from state to state, and help student performance.
The first way that increasing government education funds will help American school systems is, that it will help students later on in life. One study, written by Kirabo Jackson, Rucker Johnson, and Claudia Persico, showed that tests on low-income districts found that increasing school spending steadily by 10 percent over a course of twelve years helped lower adult poverty, increase graduation rates, and cause students to have a 10% increase in adult earnings later in life. This study shows that increasing education spending does not have to be billions of dollars in order to make a difference and improve student lives. Increasing spending

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