
Persuasive Essay On Gun Control

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Governments across the globe approach it differently, many are strongly for it, and just as many are against it. In America, gun control has continued to surface to the forefront of debate following any mass shooting event. However, little is ever actually accomplished in the quest to reform gun control in the United States. It could be said that guns are apart of the moral fabric that shaped this country, making it not only free, but great. Unfortunately, guns continuously find their way into the hands of the wrong people. Current state laws require background checks to be done every time you purchase a gun. Conveniently for criminals, the only form of identification you need to purchase a gun is a state driver’s license, so anyone …show more content…

This technology was crucial for them in a place where individuals are not well documented. In America, RFID chipped licenses are used to speed up border crossings to and from Canada, replacing the need to show a passport each time. RFID chipped licenses is the simplest ways to use biometric technology for increased security. Information that is contained on the chip can be as simple as a set of numbers or complex and contain the person’s name, address, photograph, fingerprints, and iris scan. RFID chips are passive, meaning they do not have a power source within them, they must be scanned in order to read them. In an article written for an online technology magazine, Kim Zetter explains that in most cases, the chips must be within one foot of the scanner to work, but some can be scanned from further than 10 feet away (Zetter). Additionally, the cards are issued with a protective sleeve that keeps the chip protected while it sits in your wallet or purse. Also, a RFID scanner cannot read the chip while it is in the protective case, which helps keep the personal information safe. The chips that would be used in for this program would ones that must be placed in the scanner to work, this adds a piece of security. When the cards are issued out, DMV employees would have out informational handouts regarding the capabilities, use, storing, and contact numbers for troubleshooting problems that may arise with the chip.

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