Our second amendment right, the right to bear arms. This is something that is special, and something we hold dear to most Americans and then there are the people infringing on those sacred rights to bear arms against a radical nation, criminals, or anyone who chooses to cause harm. And this is happening right here in the united states in Chicago. Gun control is too strict in Chicago and should be changed, because for one, it doesn’t work, criminals get their hands-on weapons either way, and people need a way to defend themselves, which goes along with the 2nd amendment. We need to be ready for anything, as Theodore Roosevelt once said, “The great body of our citizens shoot less as times goes on. We should encourage rifle practice among schoolboys, and indeed among all classes, as well as in the military services by every means in our power. Thus, and not otherwise, may we be able to assist in preserving peace in the world... The first step – in the direction of preparation to avert war if possible, and to be fit for war if it should come – is to teach men to shoot!” First, people say that Gum control reduces Gun violence. Ha! Wrong! Contrary to popular belief, gun restriction does quite the opposite. One example, people are dying by guns just as much as they were years ago, compared to now 2017. There have been more than 2000 deaths in Chicago by shootings. That is a massive number. We say gun control works, but does it really? In 2012 there 1758 shooting in Chicago. The
“He amassed great wealth for Egypt. As a great ruler and brilliant general.” (ancient-egypt-online.com) Some may know him for any of his great and noble acts but to most he is known for providing gigantic peace throughout Egypt also known as, the golden age! But we won't just be exploring just how great the deeds were that he had accomplished. We will also be exploring how he never lost a battle, or how he was a fair captor.
The United States of America has a problem that is growing worse every day. American laws are not protecting its citizens from injury or death. You may think the mass shootings in America the guns used were bought illegally, but “since 1982, there have been at least 62 mass shooter carried out with firearms across the country, with the killings unfolding in 30 states from Massachusetts to Hawaii. Of the 139 guns possessed by the killers, more than three quarters were obtained legally. The arsenal included dozens of assault weapons and semiautomatic handguns.” (Follman). Times have changed and so should our gun laws. The federal government should enact more control on all personal guns in order to reduce
I consider myself to be a fairly traditional American white woman, with non-denominational Christian beliefs. My ethnicity is sort of a mixture of Irish, German, Native American and a few others, but my main cultural background is traditional American. I do not put a lot of emphasis on my ethnicity, because in my opinion and the opinion of many others as well, Caucasian American can be race and ethnicity. I celebrate traditional American holidays such as Christmas, Independence Day and Thanksgiving. I do eat traditional American foods, but I also love ethnic foods of all kinds. According to McKinney, James, Murray, Nelson and Ashwill (2013), “Belief in Jesus Christ as the son of God and the Messiah comprises the central core of Christianity” and “Study of biblical scripture; practicing faith, good works, and sacramental rites (e.g., baptism, communion, and others); and prayer are common among most Christian faiths” (p.44). I am non-denominational; however, I do believe this statement sums up the main core of my beliefs. I pray, I have been baptized, I believe in good deeds, and attending church. The only difference is that I do not believe that you must attend church or partake in communion to have a relationship with God; I believe that relationship is rather personal. Now in terms of American culture in the healthcare setting, Euromed Info Online indicates that Western industrialized societies such as the United States, which
Every day in America an average of 93 are killed people due to gun violence. One of the biggest concerns today in American policy is gun control. This is a very controversial and complicated topic for both pro-gun and anti-gun supporters. American policy makers need to make it harder for the wrong people to obtain firearms and the fact that Second Amendment and gun control can co-exist. Mental illness constantly emerges in relation to mass shootings and shooters a like, as well as day to day homicides and suicides. America doesn’t necessarily have more crime then other developed countries the crime is just much more lethal. Right-wing Republicans constantly use the Second Amendment as shield to use firearms, the fact is the document is
Ovid’s interpretation of the creation myth, begins the same way the Greek creation myth begins, with only chaos. A god or entity forms and orders the chaos into different elements of the earth. Here the world, or the universe itself is undergoing a metamorphosis, but Ovid implies through his works that the universe never truly moved beyond the essential chaos that predated the universe. In Book V of the Metamorphoses, Ovid uses the significance and the quantity of the transformations to demonstrate the idea of everything is operating in a state of constant flux. He then, uses the order of the stories, to develop his ideas about a hierarchical pattern of existence.
Every so often the media and news feeds flood with reports of a mass shooting. Families mourn. In the days that follow, calls to action can be heard, and there is a demand for change. Sometimes minor legislation passes, but in the United States extreme change is rarely seen. Other developed nations provide an opposite comparison. Following the Port Arthur shooting in Australia and the shooting in Great Britain, both countries organized for significant gun reform.
According to Nicholas Kristof’s article “our blind spot about guns” gun control is a lot like cars regulation such that if we can regulate cars we can regulate guns. It took a lot of time and effort but thanks to regulations cars are safer than they were many years ago, and the same is very possible with guns. We need to keep our country safe. The first steps to gun control are improving on background checks and also requiring trigger locks on all guns.
October 1, 2017 marked the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history. With almost 500 injured and 58 killed, not only did Las Vegas feel the tragedy of a personal loss, but the incident had rippling effects that shook all of America (Flaherty). With the fresh wounds of the recent Las Vegas shooting, politician's initial reaction is to implement more strict gun restrictions and "lay down the law" to prevent a similar event from happening again. Due to the drastic laws being carried out, the topic of gun control is a current issue in society. Is the solution to implement more firm restrictions on gun ownership or can the government allow the people to be their own advocates? While the opposing views of pro-gun restrictions argue that is up to the discretion of the government, they are often narrow-minded resolutions with no hope to finding a real solution. This particular shooter obtained his guns legally and passed all background checks, going unnoticed until his plan unfolded. Establishing more strict firearm restrictions would not have stopped the Las Vegas shooting from occurring. The number of gun restrictions can not increase, the government needs to either fix the existing laws or do away with gun restrictions entirely. Gun restrictions are not the solution because guns are not doing the killing--people are, the laws only attack the law-abiding citizens, and the gun restrictions add another infringed upon right that the government controls. While voting against additional gun rules will not completely eliminate the controversy behind this topic, voting against these laws will be a milestone to regaining the rights we have already been promised.
Banning assault weapons and toughening gun control laws across the United States would save countless of innocents lives in our school systems and in public. When referring to gun control laws In these next paragraphs, we are defining gun control laws as a set of policies or laws that that will supervise the manufacturing, transfer, modification or use of any firearms by citizens in the United States. I will be presenting sources that will proof my said statement with facts and statistics from trusted news outlets and other reliable media. I will also be presenting arguments against my stance to further prove the validity of my statements.
October, 1st 2017 has marked the latest in a now all too familiar trend of tragedies; a mass killing of civilians by a sick individual. In the wake of this tragedy, there is a mass of human emotion, grief, anger, sadness, and a demand for justice to right what has been wronged. In looking for justice, one needs an antagonist to blame, in this case an object, the gun. While it is true that firearms are the weapon of choice for many violent tragedies across the United States, will a ban on firearms truly solve the problem of violence for the country? Although a firearm ban may seem like a preventative for violence in the United States, a comparison of violent crime in other countries with varying levels of gun control, the lack of
From 1988 to 2001, the usage of anti-depressant drugs in the general public increased by four-hundred percent (Swanson). The mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary took place in December of 2012, and during 2014, firearms were used in 88 percent of teen homicides, and 41 percent of teen suicides (“Suicidal Teens”). On February 28th, 2017, the Trump administration repealed a firearms regulation that prevented mentally disabled persons from owning guns. At the same time, teenage mental illness is on the rise, specifically in cases of depression and anxiety. A report from the Surgeon General shows that over 90 percent of adolescents that committed either suicide or homicide have or had a mental disability. Mental disabilities such as depression and anxiety put teenagers at a high risk for homicides and suicides. Teenagers who are stressed due to school, lack of parenting, puberty, bullying, and other factors can develop depression, anxiety or another mental illness. Allowing these teens easy access to firearms proves time and time again to be very dangerous. In some cases, the families of these teens have never been assessed to see if they can responsibly store firearms. The only background check performed is on the owner of the firearm, meaning that a person may own the weapon even if another family member living with them legally cannot. Loose gun control laws allow families with physiologically ill children to have access to firearms, without first checking to see if the disabled children in the home are responsible enough to be around said firearms. Repealing gun control laws instated by the Obama administration will cause an increase in adolescent firearm-related homicides, suicides, and tragedies similar to the one at Sandy Hook Elementary.
One of the hot topics in society is the argument of gun control. Gun control is defined as the regulation of the purchase and ownership of firearms in an effort to reduce criminal or unsafe use. ("Gun Control" 1p. 1)These regulations include registration of firearms, banning the possession of firearms by minors, felons, the mentally ill, and people convicted of domestic violence; criminal background checks or specified waiting periods for gun purchases; limit weapon purchases at one certain time, or impose outright bans on the sale or possession of certain types of guns. ("Gun Control" 1p. 1) Even with these numerous restrictions on guns there are still roughly thirty thousand people killed with guns every year. Guns are responsible for 3.3
A common controversial topic that is discussed universally is the issue of shootings and gun use. Citizens views on the topic range from the wishes to completely ban guns, to the total allowance and ownership of such items. In comparison, some drugs may be illegal, although people still possess them. Would the same be for guns? Should more be done to implement the control over guns? Or should more freedom be given to gun owners? One can visualize the positives and negatives regarding gun control by learning more about the following: the suspected terrorists list, the black market, increase in gun crime, rarely using guns for self-defense and how extensive background checks would prohibit unqualified people from obtaining firearms.
With being at the heels of the Vegas mass shooting, the deadliest mass shooting in United States history, anti-gun advocates are out in full force. Being a gun owner myself, I am worried that my guns for hunting and self-defense are in jeopardy. The implementation of the controversial gun control concept has been casually taken part in a numerous amount of political debates throughout the course of time. If this act is potentially taken to action in the United States, it will stir up a large dispute as it will take away the whole concept of the Second Amendment allowing the right of the people to keep and bear arms. With attempts to achieve the vision of a gun-free America by appealing the emotions of a hurting nation, society seems to be
Over 13,286 people yearly die from gun violence. In 2016 over 700 people were killed due to guns in the streets of chicago. Which is the most restricted place to purchase weapons. So they would get it from other ways. Such as buying out of state, or the black market. People would have to resort to these dangerous tactics if only there were less gun control laws. When there can be a simple solution that is not looked at. A solution that could completely fix the problem by the way it started.