
Persuasive Essay On Identity Politics

Decent Essays

The United States country is known for being one of the first countries to adopt a democracy government. We are lucky to be able to select our leaders and to be able to live our lives freely. Our country is ran by a democracy government in which the people vote in in order to select their leaders and vote for other important things that may rise through time. Our country is not and will never be perfect. The United States is going through a tough time right now because of all of the political issues that are taking place right now. There has been quite a chaos over the appointment of the current President of the United States. With the appointment of President Trump, the country seemed to be taking a stepped backwards. President Trump and many other factors have brought to this country something that we were slowly getting rid of. Identity politics is an issue that is slowly tearing our country apart. Identity politics is is a political style and ideology that focuses on the issues relevant to various groups defined by a wide variety of shared personal characteristics, including, but not limited to, race, religion, sex, gender, ethnicity, ideology, nationality, sexual orientation, gender expression, culture, shared history, medical conditions, and other of the many ways in which people differ from each other, and into which they may be classified or classify themselves. An example of such action would be how many African Americans tend to relate as to how their ancestors were deprived of their freedom and were used as slaves. They were the first minority group that was discriminated and were exposed to slavery. They were brought to the United States against their will by Europeans who needed slaves in order to make an economic boost. This caused a division upon the country because half of the country was for and the other half was against slavery. African Americans were caught in the middle of major controversy. Some people believed that they, too, were able to receive full rights as any other American citizen and not just be referred to as “property”. Today, African Americans are exposed to discrimination and racism. Many of them will bring up their ancestors and the way their ancestors were treated.

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