
Persuasive Essay On Illegal Voting

Decent Essays

Why should citizens who illegally vote and reside in the United States have the ability to decide who becomes the next Treasurer, Secretary of State, or even Commander in Chief? There is a horrendously large population living in the United States that cannot provide identification proving they are legal. There is a simple reason behind this, this group of people have not gone through the necessary process required to obtain the right of being a United States citizen. On top of illegal citizens voting, both them and legal citizens can take advantage of seriously threatening vulnerabilities in the voting system. With no trouble at all, they do so by voting more than once. This may come as a surprise to some that this is even possible but it is quite easy to do so. With no way to be able to keep track of who votes, people can simply travel to another polling station and cast their same vote again. This unlawfulness can be repeated several times. If that is thought of as ridiculous, there have even been statements for numerous years claiming that by requiring people to provide a photo ID, it discourages them from voting. This is far from the truth and no excuse to keep the voting requirements as lenient as they are. For every illegal vote that is casted by a fraud voter there is a legal vote being nullified. This recklessly illegal behavior is extremely unfair to citizens voting legally everywhere. This behavior should not be possible or allowed even in the slightest bit. If

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