
Persuasive Essay On Legalization Of Marijuana

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In a country where tobacco products and alcohol are legal, I have always wondered, why not cannabis? Why did this plant still have the stigma of being illegal when it does not cause any deaths, is not nearly as physically addicting, nor as harmful as its legal counterparts? Clearly, the law of marijuana prohibition is one that is up for debate and one that is up for change. Currently, many state laws have been passed that are either decriminalizing marijuana or allowing it for purely medicinal purposes. Although these laws are moving towards legalization, they do not come close to the actual goal. The definition of “legalization” advocates are striving to reach refers to legalized wholesale production, distribution, and sale to all marijuana users even for recreational purposes. Citizens have to realize that legalization is a realistic change that our country might be facing in the near future. Although liberals are leading the fight to end prohibition while conservatives are helping the law stand firm, this fight should not be one divided by political party. Every individual ought to be educated on the issue before saying yes or no to legalization. Before voting on this issue, I ask: What would the country actually be like if marijuana was legal?
Legalization of marijuana would undoubtedly result in an increase of freedom of choice for US citizens. Many cannabis users deem that if people can go buy a bottle of wine after dinner, they should be able to buy a joint as well. Opponents to the idea believe that it is illogical to legalize yet another psychoactive drug even though it is far less addictive and harmful. They believe it will only cause more problems to society than we already have (Pediatrics). Although marijuana is considered to be a “psychoactive drug”, the fact that alcohol and tobacco are legal is quite contradictory to marijuana prohibition especially when they cause exponentially more health risks than cannabis and also can cause death. Essentially, people will always use marijuana because it is an alternative source of relaxation and recreation. The government should learn to embrace these people’s ability to choose rather than prohibiting this source of intoxication which,

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