Marijuana is a very prominent and controversial issue in society today. It is among the most widely used of all drugs. Much debate has been conducted regarding the legalization of marijuana. Whether states should have just medical marijuana or both medical and recreational marijuana. That if we do pass marijuana that there will be more people driving high which will result in car wrecks. What a lot of people don't know is how beneficial both kinds are. Also, how it doesn't affect you when you driving. Marijuana is beneficial to both medical and recreational when it comes to health and doesn't impair driving abilities.
In a British medical journal, The Lancet, said, “The smoking of cannabis, even long-term, is not harmful to health… it would be reasonable to judge cannabis as less of a threat… than alcohol or tobacco.” (Tuyl 23). There is a lot of debate when it comes to marijuana and the effect it has on our health. That they affect our health negatively. There has been allegations that marijuana smoking alters brain function or has long-term effects on cognition are reckless, this has been scientifically proven wrong in many studies. Federally sponsored population studies conducted in Jamaica, Greece, and Costa Rica found no significant difference in brain function between long-term smokers and non-users. Similarly, a 1999 study of 1,300 volunteers published in The American Journal of Epidemiology reported “no significant difference in cognitive decline between heavy
Have you ever wondered when and why marijuana was made illegal? The herbal plant, commonly used in medicines, was not considered a drug in the early 1900s. The Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 banned the use and sales of marijuana. This act was put in place due to careless slander. Marijuana, in America should be legalized because it is safer than alcohol and tobacco, marijuana funds gangs and cartels, and marijuana can replace toxic, addictive pharmaceuticals.
We all know that there are two types of marijuana, medical and recreational. Marijuana like this should be legalized because synthetic weed can prove fatal or addictive. Marijuana should be legalized in the United States is because its non-addictive, non-toxic, and could prove to be a big help in medical research (both mental & physical health).
Through the years marijuana has been known by many names, and almost as many opinions have been held concerning its effect on people. Not all of those opinions have been correct in fact; most have been pure propaganda. Marijuana is not a gateway drug. It does not have fatal side effects, and it is not only used by lazy people. These are just some of the stigmas that have plagued marijuana over the years. The truth is that marijuana is a medicinal plant and, as such, should be used to treat medical conditions instead of the chemicals created by big pharmaceutical companies. Though today marijuana still has a negative stigma associated with it, medical marijuana should be legalized nationwide due to its health benefits for those with terminal
Equally important is the effect that marijuana has on the justice system. Resources are being used every day that could be allocated to a number of other pressing issues that are facing communities across the country. If marijuana is legalized, the resources of agencies of law enforcement would be able to focus on much more pressing issues. By legalizing marijuana, it will promote a reduction in street crimes and it will also take business from illegal drug dealers and direct it to the government. This would hopefully lead to a decrease in violence related to drugs in the United States ("Legalization of Marijuana"). Decreasing petty street crime and violence would make local streets safer. That is something that would benefit civilians as
The legalization of Marijuana for recreational use has been a hot topic for quite some time. Arguments about why it should or should not be legal have been some of the highlights of many debates. Marijuana, which is usually wrongfully conveyed as a harmful drug that will only do harm to our society if it get legalized for recreational use. Skepticism aside, the history and facts about weed don't illustrate a dangerous drug that leads to the deterioration of the human body and mind, but the opposite excluding it's already proven pain tolerance .The legalization of Marijuana for recreational use is something that should be instated in every state in the country due to it already being legal in some states, people are gonna use it no matter what, and because its effects being less harmful compared to other substances that are legal.
Everyone has days that are very stressful or days when they just want to give up on life itself, but sometimes taking a deep breath can help or simply a cigarette can do the trick. However, in today’s society, Marijuana is usually the go to antidepressant even though it is illegal. Many people believe Marijuana should be legal in the United States and there have been rumors rising that the state of Texas may become one of the few states to legalize the drug. Marijuana has been portrayed as better than most legal drugs or alcohol out there. Smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol actually cause more deaths than Marijuana, about 50,000 people die from alcohol poisoning and about 400,000 people die from the use of tobacco. Marijuana is nontoxic and cannot cause death by overdose. Although Marijuana does have some health risk, these risks are less severe when compared to other drugs, such as alcohol. Marijuana is the third most popular drug
Cannabis is a drug that is often perceived the wrong way .Throughout history the debate on marijuana has prompted many opposers to question morality and public safety while supporters sermonize cannabis’s healing and relaxing properties .The issue of marijuana use started off in 1930 with the formation of Federal Bureau of Narcotics and its commissioner Harry J. Anslinger ( he headed a campaign that allocated false information to the american people. As well as propaganda to mislead people about the true effects of cannabis .As a result marijuana has been classified as a schedule 1 drug and is illegal throughout the united states with the exception of of a few states who have recently legalized cannabis for medicinal and recreational use. Since marijuana has become illegal it has affected the social life of minorities since they are often prosecuted
The Detroit Free Press Editorial Board’s Article Let the people decide about legalizing marijuana(2016) was an attempt to convince readers that Michigan Legislature is currently a “dysfunctional waste,” determined to keep Marijuana legalization off the ballots.The Press got their opinion across by using uncredited polls, tugging at the reader's emotions when describing both parties, and overall biased tone with underlying motives. The author uses pathos, ethos, and logos very effectively when trying to persuade the reader. Pathos is being used when the author attempts to appeal to our emotions while trying to pity MILegalize. Logos is being used when the authors tries to connect with our common sense in order to persuade by reason. Lastly ethos is being used when the author attempts to sway our opinion of michigan legislature, but altering our view of their character and morals.This article was written with intentions to get voters riled up, discredit the michigan legislature and provoke change within the court systems. The Editorial Board only presented their side of the argument, concluding they are targeting left-wing moderates that are for the legalization of marijuana.
Marijuana is the most popular recreational drug globally and the third in America (Stuart). It is, however, unique because unlike many others recreational drugs, it also has a range of medical uses. The separation of medical from recreational marijuana is a challenging and confusing task, which has affected its legal status significantly. Consequently, nearly half of the United States has legalized marijuana for medical uses while a few others have legalized it both for medicinal and recreational uses. Nonetheless, there are significant reasons that make the legalization of marijuana completely beneficial as a legal recreational and therapeutic drug. Not only would it benefit patients and people using it for recreational purposes but it would
Marijuana use has been a very prominent issue and continues to be major source of controversy in the United States. Although many claims have been made about marijuana use in recent times, the truth about this plant is slowly coming forward. Unfortunately, a heavily skewed perception of marijuana and marijuana users as a result of years and years of misinformation and propaganda further encourages ignorance on the topic of its legalization, which still continues to be spread due to many private interests who still want marijuana to remain illegal for their own personal gain, despite all its proven benefits.
Across the world people are looking for ways to either smuggle marijuana into the United States or find a “plug” to sell drugs to them. Constantly people being arrested for the usage of drugs, the most common being marijuana. In 28 states medical marijuana is allowed, but only 9 states are allowed to use it without a prescription. Marijuana should be legal for medical uses, getting high or stressing off, and we would benefit as a country.
As Washington lawmakers struggle to find different new ways to balance the budget, a significant source of revenue may be burning away right in front of their eyes. This significant source has been a debated topic for many years now, the legalization of marijuana. Currently, 23 states are allowed to sell marijuana for medicinal purposes and 2 states, Colorado and Washington, allow marijuana to used and sold for recreational purposes. A large support from the public has now opened up other states to the consideration of the legalization of marijuana because of the potential of a positive fiscal impact that the sales of marijuana might have marijuana might have on the economy through taxes, jobs, and cutbacks. Can the legalization of marijuana turn this struggling economy into a booming one? Given that, if marijuana is legalized then this would open up useful resources and untapped markets. If useful markets are opened up then state and federal governments would increase their revenues and help stabilize the economy. Therefore, if marijuana is legalized then it would help state and federal governments increase their revenues and help stabilize the economy. First let’s discuss how marijuana can open up resources and untapped markets.
The legalization of marijuana has been questionable for years now, but the government always declines. I feel that marijuana should be legalized because it helps reduce crime in our cities, its not a toxic substance, and helps with medical problems.
Marijuana should not be legalized because it will increase health issues, its use will rise rather than decline, and taxation will result in economic failure. In recent years, however, society has become very moderate, and this is why society’s views can be swayed by the benefits of legalization. Nowadays, legalizing marijuana is not that big of a deal as it was in the 60’s and 70’s when hippies and peace organizations were advocating for marijuana use. However, if marijuana is legalized it has been said that it might be the gateway drug to legalizing all illegal drugs.
Marijuana or cannabis has many names, and more specific names can give you information about a specific strain of marijuana such as blue dream and Sour Diesel. In most cases when speaking about marijuana, generally it is often referred to one of its more vague names or slang, such a pot, ganja, Mary Jane, Etc. Many people around the United States know about marijuana and also the risk and rewards that come with it. Some states and cities in the US have legalized and regulated this plant which also helps fuel those economies. Places such as Colorado and Washington state have benefited from the regulations on the plants, but this may also lead other states or cities to adopt similar laws and regulations for marijuana. This paper will analyze the benefits of legalizing and regulating marijuana everywhere in the US.