
Persuasive Essay On Life Journey

Decent Essays

Introduction It is not that we are here on earth to endure for all our lives. Hasn’t it been said, that we have to spend life somewhere else after death? However, life continues. Howbeit, you cannot live the way you want without recompense, that means, the same measure that you put out, it’s the same measure that will return to you, knowing that there is a boomerang effect to life, what type of life we really want to live. Yet, we are here for a purpose, and that purpose, is to fellowship with our creator, that was the actual reason behind the creating for mankind, “don’t you think so?” all of us were created to have fellowship with Him. That fellowship has been broken and destroyed by mankind, and from thenceforth we are now faced with having to find the mindset that will bring back that communication with our creator. I am of the opinion, that we can find the right mindset to activate this new life, and that mindset must come from within, not without! Howbeit, we are so overwhelmed with life journey; in that, we are hardly getting a clear path to our destination. There are so much of hills and obstacle, plus bad road for us to travel, it makes navigating the terrain of life very difficult for passing. Everyone has his load to bare, so by the skin of our teeth we are all making a grand effort to do the best that can be done to improve our own lives, no one is willing to look out for the other, because of these self-interesting things that occur with all of us and they are

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