
Persuasive Essay On Marijuana

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We’d Be Better With Weed “Even aspirin can kill you if you take too much, but a fatal dose of marijuana would require ingestion of fifteen hundred pounds in fifteen minutes – a physical impossibility for any human, even Snoop Dogg,” says David Schmader, author of Weed: The User’s Guide. The negative stigma surrounding the “danger” of pot has all but vanished since the Reefer Madness days. At best, it is a therapeutic treat, a natural painkiller, and a creative catalyst when used in moderation. At worst, it can bring out laziness in users who abuse it. Ask anyone born in the past 50 years – they’ll most likely admit to smoking silly salad at least once. Why then, in most states, do we still prosecute men and women for possessing a plant with less hazardous properties than a bottle of Sprite from Walgreens? Why are lawmakers so harshly adamant about keeping it out of our hands while thousands of people lose their lives due to alcohol-related incidents every year? Marijuana should be recreationally legalized nationwide, and with good reason: business will boom, safety will bloom, and it sure beats smoking a cigarette. According to Newsweek, the US marijuana industry grossed over $6 billion in 2016, $1.3 billion coming from Colorado alone. In January and February of 2017, Colorado brought in $235 million, a 30 percent increase from January and February of the previous year. Eight states have already legalized marijuana recreationally, and California is set to

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