
Persuasive Essay On Marijuana Legalization

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Introduction: Marijuana legalization is one of the most significant and controversial issue in the American society. There are a tremendous number of opponents and supporters. marijuana is the most commonly used illegal drug I the United State of America. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse there are 22.2 million people who have used marijuana in the past month(NIH). Marijuana is a dangers substance that has a lot of negative effects on our current and next generations. There’s are long and short effects but in this paper, I will explain the impacts of marijuana on our health. The impacts are such as: The respiratory infections, trouble sleeping, Risk of Schizophrenia and Depression, Impaired Memory, and how marijuana is a gateway Drug.

Respiratory infections: when a person smokes marijuana the THC and other harmful chemicals that marijuana contains in its plant pass through out the respiratory system more specifically “lungs” to the bloodstream which then a person experience the effect immediately. smoking marijuana causes lungs and throat irritations which then led to a heavily coughing when using it. according to the National Institute on drug abuse marijuana contains levels of volatile chemicals and tar which increases the risk of lung cancer. “Marijuana smoking is associated with large airway inflammation, increased airway resistance, and lung hyperinflation, and those who smoke marijuana regularly report more symptoms of chronic bronchitis than those

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