
Persuasive Essay On Net Neutrality

Decent Essays

Net Neutrality is essential to our everyday lives, and it is perilously close to being repealed on December 14th by the FCC; but if more people take a stand in support of Net Neutrality, we can preserve the free internet. Net Neutrality needs to be saved because it protects free speech, free trade of information and services, and the privacy of our data. This is an issue that concerns all citizens regardless of political affiliation, but lawmakers have made it a fight between the two parties. Most people did not care about Net Neutrality or even know what it is until fairly recently, but recent events regarding it's likely repeal have turned the public’s attention towards it.
To understand why this issue is important, we need to have a basic knowledge of how data is transmitted, and what Net Neutrality does to protect it. The internet can be imagined as a highway with many lanes. Without Net Neutrality, companies and websites must pay high rates for their data to be put into the “fast lane,” and the person who owns the highway can exclude certain people from using the highway at all. With Net Neutrality, all lanes are free to access by anyone, and there is equal opportunity for people who may not have been able to pay to be in the “fast lane.” Essentially, it is the set of rules that ensure that internet service providers (ISPs) leave all transmitted data uninhibited, no matter where it came from.
Net Neutrality keeps ISPs from monitoring or selling our data and from

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