
Persuasive Essay On Pizza

Decent Essays

This is the minimum of what it is going to take to manifest your dreams into reality, but even then. sometimes more is required depending on the" want" and situation at hand. Imagine you are going to order something to eat. For the sake of this example ours is pizza. You call your favorite pizza place for delivery and you tell them you want "a pizza" then hang up the phone. I am sure to a great degree you will not get that pizza. You did not tell pizza place the type of pizza you wanted. You need to give specifics (crust type, toppings, sauce, condiments, and even the size). With no specific address for delivery it would not be possible for them to deliver the pizza. Doing such a thing would be nonsense. Manifestation needs details as if you were ordering a pizza. You need …show more content…

Do you really want the money, or do you only want to use the money as a tool to get what you want? Manifestation has to be very specific and clear. The Universe does not work well with mixed signals. Your concentrated energy must also match with your desire. If you want to find a lover put yourself in a position so you can find one. You want a house start looking for one. Prepare your life for the desire through your actions. Your must envision your house if you were really walking through it. How man bedrooms do you have, what kind of amenities do you see, becoming the mental architect and design your dream home. If you want a lover, what qualities would the person you desire to experience possess? Which qualities are important to you? In a lover you may want someone who is spiritual, a specific religious domination, a certain income level, personality type, an introvert or extrovert . Get creative, and be detailed. Once you have your details down, then physically put yourself in situations that will increase your chances of manifesting your desire. It will be hard to find a lover if you became a hermit and move to a isolated

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