
Persuasive Essay On Racism Goes Away

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A little more than a week ago, the news headlines were dominated by stories of hatred, violence, racial divides, protests and death. After Hurricane Harvey made landfall bringing with it an onslaught of rain devastating Southern Texas, the narrative began changing for the better. Admittedly, since the devastation to property and loss of life is real, there is still communication about heartache and loss. However, throughout the news coverage showing the storm’s aftereffects, there is a great deal of focus on the good going on in Houston. On the regular Americans who are working tirelessly to get to stranded residents in need of assistance. This, not the display in Charlotte, is what represents real America. The silent majority are rising up to help their fellow Americans in many ways. Read on to learn more:
Racism Goes Away:
When a tragedy like is occurring happens within the country, Americans respond in the best of ways. No longer does it matter what color a person is or where they live, life is the only thing that matters. First responders, although some of them are also dealing with their loss of property, are still going out time and time again in an effort to bring people to safety. Other Americans are coming from states away to be of help to the people of Texas. There is no racial divide among rising flood waters, there is only the desire for dry land.
Help is Coming From States Away:
The so called “Cajun Navy,” which is a ragtag group of regular citizens serving

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