
Persuasive Essay On School Lunches

Decent Essays

Throughout these recent years, fast food has become more prevalent in our everyday lives. Hundreds of pounds of unhealthy foods are being consumed by Americans each day due to their cheap prices and accessibility. More kids today are being exposed to unhealthy diets which only lead to more health problems in the future. Not only are they being exposed to bad eating habits, schools are also encouraging bad diets due to it being more affordable to feed hundreds of children fast food rather than healthy meals. Although it is more costly for schools to provide healthier meals, the health of their students should have more priority than money; therefore, school lunches should be able to have more fundings to afford healthier options. One way to improve the American diet is by changing the lunch systems that schools currently have. In the article “No Lunch Left Behind”, the writers, Alice Waters and Katrina Heron, call for a change in the National School Lunch Program to improve lunch programs in schools. Along with their call for change they also provide explanations on how the lunch program works and the different previous attempts to fix it. Waters and Heron states that feeding children healthier meals “...could be done for about $5 per child, or roughly $27 billion a year, plus a one-time investment in real kitchens.” (Heron & Waters par. 7). This shows that it is possible for schools to provide their students with healthier lunches, even though it may seem pricey. By investing in real kitchens and healthier foods, schools can promote better diets to the students that they are supposed to be educating and reduces the risk of foodborne illnesses that may continue to affect the learning experiences of students. This also reduces the presence of junk foods and exposes students to healthier alternatives, allowing them to understand what is good for them and what may cause health issues over time. Along with health improvements on campus, this could also reduce the amount of food being wasted as students would be more prone to finishing their lunches after knowing that it will benefit their health. One problem that is prominent is America is the increasing rate of obesity. In the article “Attacking the Obesity

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