
Persuasive Essay On Sexaul Violence

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‘A potential solution for reducing sexaul assault due to alcohol intoxication is a prevention method called the Bystander intervention. According to Michael Winerip, a writter for the New York Times magazine, Jane Stapleton, a University of New Hampshire researcher who runs victim assisitance programs at universities around the country and in Europe, believes the bystander intervention porogram is the best hope for reducing campus sexual assault rates (“Stepping up” par. 2). Bystander intervention is a program where a person or bystander intervenes to prevent another person from being sexually assaulted. The intervention seems pretty basic, but it can be tricky at times. Stapleton recommends getting creative when trying to intervene. Stapleton suggests that suddenly turning on the lights at a party or turning off the music can be the easiest and safest way to stop the assault. Other interventions can be done such as, spilling a drink on the possible assaulter or simply pulling them away. The goal is not only to stop the attack, but to also recognize signs of possible abuse and intervene before it crosses the line from partying to sexual assault. The method is not only called upon women to make it work, but also for men. Anyone who is witnessing an assault should intervene. These interventions are simple and require minimal effort, but can make a drastic change in someone's life. (“Stepping up” par 1-9)
Another possible solution for reducing alcohol related sexual assault is

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