
Persuasive Essay On Skaters

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Skateboarders are often viewed negatively and and looked at as a destructive act for delinquents, however, Skaters are really not destructive nor negative, they are just people who are trying to have fun. Because of these assumptions, beginners have a hard time starting because people don’t support him because they feel that they will turn out into a destructive individual. There is many beginner skaters that are trying to learn new things but some people try to stop them from it because many people are against skaters. I am going to support beginners to continue learning new tricks and i will show them how the tricks works.

Beginner Skaters

One of the main things beginner skaters do is buy the wrong equipment that they need. Beginner skaters look for the cheapest board they can find because they are cheap. They believe that all skateboards are the same so they end …show more content…

Back then, people used to call skateboarding sidewalk surfing. The wheels used to be made out of clay and the skateboards looked almost like penny boards. In the 50’s, Surfers in California get the bright idea to surf concrete and invent Skateboarding. The origin of the first skateboard has never been proven as it seems to have been the spontaneous invention of multiple people. Wooden boards with roller skate wheels slapped on the bottom where the makings of the original boards these pioneers took to the streets. Long haired shaggy surfer dudes ripping up the streets on 2×4’s and roller skate wheels! The world ‘Radical’ comes to mind in such true original form.Later on around the 70’s, people have made skateboard wheels out of rubber instead of clay and this took skateboarding to a whole new level. At this time, Skate companies began to sponsor skaters so that they can advertize that companies equipment.To this day, many people are starting to pick up this skill and were inspired by older known skaters like one of the best, Rodney

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