
Persuasive Essay On Smoking

Decent Essays

As absurd as it sounds, there was a time that smoking was sociably acceptable in our society and there were many advertisements on television promoting the sale and use of cigarettes. The advertisements abruptly quit airing when the United States Surgeon General confirmed that smoking cigarettes causes harmful side effects to your health such as cancer. Now, consider that every health agency in the world wants to give out tips, but is anyone honestly listening to the tips or do they just toss them out like the butts of a smoked cigarette, which leads to this “Quit Now” campaign advertisement (“I Never”). The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) started this campaign in 2012 and the advertisement has a picture of a woman on it, she is not smiling, she has a blank stare in her eyes and a hole in her throat. They use former smokers to talk about their diminishing health issues that range from losing their teeth to more serious complications like losing their limbs that are all direct results from smoking cigarettes. These real-life scenarios establish the basis for the reasons why everyone should kick the smoking habit and become a quitter. Now, let’s discuss the alluring colors that were chosen for this advertisement.
Starting with a neutral grayish silver background that gives a delicate look to the page while not overwhelming the reader’s eyes. The flow from the background color into the next portion which is a blue accent color that people associate with the ocean or the sky and represent openness, trust, serenity and transparency, which is what Terrie is doing in this advertisement by sharing her heart wrenching story of how smoking cigarettes has taken so many things from her for example her voice and teeth (“Understanding”). Then the bold white lettering reminds us of purity - being clean - with the subliminal effect to conduce the audience to clean up their act and quit smoking. These colors work well together and complement each other by not overpowering the message that the advertisement is portraying about needing to quit smoking. Consequently, hospitals and government agencies are known to use this type of color scheme on their websites or in their offices because they offer a professional

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