
Persuasive Essay On Standardized Testing

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At this point standardized tests are very ineffective. In 2002 the No Child Left Behind Act was put into place by congress, making it mandatory for all fifty states to test their students. The tests place copious amounts of stress on the students while not clearly showing how intellectually advanced they are. Although standardized testing has many benefits, schools should should opt of testing their students.
The Bush administration had intended to update the 1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act and the NCLB Act was their attempt at doing so. Since the implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act the United States has dropped in ranking in both math and science, while remaining neutral in reading. The U.S. went from being ranked 18th in 2000 in math to 27th in 2012, with a similar decline in science . As stated previously, there was also no change in reading. Although there are no specific reasons for this, it is safe to assume that standardized tests, along with poverty levels, and teacher quality all played into the decline (
One issue that is severely overlooked in today’s society is mental health. It is estimated that 20% of teens experience depression and 25% of teens deal with anxiety. These are staggering numbers and the sad thing is only 4% of our health care budget is spent on mental health. This all plays into standardized tests, believe it or not. Testing places copious amounts of stress on students, which can affect their mental health. The

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