
Persuasive Essay On Steroid

Decent Essays

A lot of athletes now a days can accomplish many great things in their career. Some aren’t the same after injuries and some just cant reach their full potential. Steroids would be a way to enhance ones physical performance or help speed up the recovery process. Being a top athlete can come easily to some but for others it is very hard, steroids can improve their performance. “some athletes take straight testosterone to boost their performance” Steroids are used for many things, but one of the biggest tings they’re used for is a performance booster from athletes. The extra testosterone going into the body builds bigger muscles and more strength. As an athlete you want to be bigger, faster and stronger and with steroids you can get exactly that. It takes a lot to …show more content…

Athletes need to be healthy, steroids can keep the body in tip top condition. There are different types of steroids that can do different things. Anabolic steroids give you muscle mass and strength. Its hard to make a sports team or even make it in the sports profession if you have no strength or size to one. A way to help and give you such qualities is steroids. Steroids can be dangerous to a human but under a professional treatment athletes will not suffer from possible over dosage or potentially life threating problems. “ Some athletes take a form of steroids – known as anabolic androgen steroids or just anabolic steroids – to increase their muscle mass and strength” (Mayo Clinic Staff 3). Numbers matter in sports, meaning the weight of an athlete size and what they can lift in the weight room. If their numbers are low they probably aren’t going to have a starting position or any play time. Average weight of a normal human is about 180, being smaller in a contact sport can lead to injuries due to the lack of size. With taking a cycle or steroids you can put on at least 15 to 20 pounds alone, taking many cycles can give that extra few pounds needed to be successful on the

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