
Persuasive Essay On Texting And Driving

Decent Essays

Are you aware that only 46 states in the U.S. ban the use of hand-held cell phones! There is no national cell phone ban in place here is America. Considering the amount of accidents caused by distracted drivers using their cell phones, you would think that every state would have a ban against their use. Our reliance on our cell phone has caused the majority of people to be too careless. On YouTubeyou can watch how people simply walk into rivers or water fountains because they are so immersed in their cell phone that they are not aware of their surroundings. Now compare that to a young driver just getting their license. According to a AAA poll, 94% of teen drivers acknowledge the dangers of texting and driving, but 35% admitted to doing it anyway. 21% of teen drivers involved in fatal accidents were distracted by their cell phones. Even one death because of someone’s careless attitude is too much. This must stop. What I find most alarming is that people would prefer to get a DUI than a ticket for using their cell phone. I find this to be very perplexing as we are not allowed to drink and drive, but we don’t seem to be too concerned if we text and drive. We all hear too much how someone wasn’t paying attention and ran a red light into an oncoming vehicle because they were too busy texting. Before cell phones, driver distractions included all activities such as eating, talking, or even adjusting the radio. But with the invention of the cell phone those risks have

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