
Persuasive Essay On The Bill Of Rights

Decent Essays

All the rights that American citizens have are based from the American Bill of Rights. In other countries the talk of healthcare being a right may be disputable, but for America we must look at the Bill of Rights to determine if healthcare is a right that each American citizen has. To display why healthcare is not a right that Americans have we can look at each individual amendment to see if one could make an argument for healthcare being a right. When breaking down the Bill of Rights amendment by amendment we can notice that Amendments one through eight cover rights that do not apply to healthcare. The rights of the first eight amendments are as follows respectively: Freedom of religion, press, assembly, petition and speech, right to keep and bear arms, right to withhold house/property/food to troops, right of no unlawful searches and seizures, right to due process, right to a fair trial, attorney and impartial jury, trial by jury when a civil case exceeds a twenty-dollar value, and no excessive bail or fines and no cruel or unusual punishment. Of the first ten Amendments only the ninth and tenth A8imendments could potentially apply to healthcare; since the ninth allows for more rights to be added and the tenth limits the power the federal government has over states. After the first ten Amendments the United States added seventeen more amendments. Of these added amendments there is only one amendment that could be used to argue to which healthcare is a right. In the

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