
Persuasive Essay On The Dream Act

Decent Essays

“The Dream Act’s history is tortured. In 2001, a concerned guidance counselor for a frightened young woman whose family immigrated from South Korea reached out to Mr. Durbin for help. The young woman, Tereza Lee, was a pianist who was hoping to apply to top-ranked music schools, but the law said she would have to leave the United States for 10 years and apply for re-entry. To help Ms. Lee, Mr. Durbin introduced the Dream Act” (Alcindor). Most people are afraid of failure. They do everything they can to ensure their success. This might include taking extra classes or even as far as moving to a completely different country. Imagine that a hardworking person puts all that they have into what they do and then later fail. Unfortunately, that happened to Tereza Lee. To ensure her success as a pianist, she wanted to attend music school and they turned her away. People could freely follow their dreams regarding their background under certain conditions. The United States government needs to pass The Dream Act because opportunities continue to disappear, a good marriage between border security and the Dream Act needs to happen, and 800,000 kids’ futures remain in the balance. To begin with, immigrants’ opportunities should not disappear because in fairness every single person in the United States have had ancestors who came here as immigrants also. Technically, that almost puts everyone in the same boat. A person should not give an opportunity like a job or a scholarship to someone

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