
Persuasive Essay On The Favorite Environment

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The feeling of being outside, the wind in your face the warm sun rays beating down upon you, to me there is nothing better! I have spent most of my life outdoors trying to do any and every activity I could get my hands on. As a little kid I use to always play outdoors, honestly, it was the only place I could play. As soon as I got home from school and finished my homework my parents would say “go play outside and leave us alone” and that’s exactly what I did, not because I had to but because I wanted to. That is where my friends were, that is where my toys were, that is where I could be free and let my imagination run wild. We would play army or survivor man for hours. We would skateboard, scooter, swim in the pool, and jump on the trampoline all summer long. Recently, something has changed and I think it’s the over use of technology. Kids are still playing but now they are inside on game systems, computers and cell phones which has led to a decline in outdoor activity. This can prevent kids from learning valuable skills that can help them be successful in life and also help them to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Being outdoors has had a substantial impact on my life and has allowed me to make some of the best memories that I have. As a kid me and my family would go camping quite frequently all over the state of Texas. We would take our pop up camper to our camping destination and, while my parents would set up camp, me and my brothers would hop on our bikes and ride around

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