
Persuasive Essay On The Importance Of Abortion

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Legal abortion will not only protect women’s lives, but it will also protect their health. Women have been suffering from heart disease, kidney disease, severe abnormally high blood pressure, sickle-cell anemia, severe diabetes, and other illnesses that can be life-threatening. The availability of abortion permitted by law has helped turn away serious medical condition, a circumstance that could have resulted from childbirth. Before legal abortion, women were restricted and likely to cause harm or injury in illegal abortion or dangerous childbirth. “The United States is one of around 60 countries that provide legal access to safe abortions. Although abortion has been legal in the US since 1973, access to treatment depends on laws determined by each state, and most states have established gestational limits that vary from 20 to 24 weeks” (Eliza Mackintosh,1). Since the U.S. had made abortion legal, women seem to have a freedom. In the past, a woman raising a child were a difficult job. For example, feeding them and educating them was not so easy. Sometimes, people make mistakes and become pregnant, but it does not mean that they should suffer all their life or ruin someone’s life who did not even come to the world yet. We have right to life, being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life behavior, or political views and pursuing of happiness when we are born. Since a fetus does not have these rights until they are born, then abortion is not considered as a murder and abortion does not go in opposition to the rights of a fetus, since it does not have any until it is born. Many individuals believe fetuses feel pain during the abortion procedure. However, according to fetus does not development until week eleven and the cortex does not develop until eight weeks. Which means there is no legitimate scientific information that shows the statement about fetus does experience pain during the abortion. Embryos and fetuses both are not independent. However, they are self-determining beings. When an abortion is done, it is termination of a pregnancy so it is not killing a baby. There are fetuses that have severe disorders, and

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