
Persuasive Essay On Vietnam War

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The country is in the middle of a blood bath. Thousands are dyeing in Vietnam, Vietnamese and Americans alike. Americans back at home are calling for peace, yet others are completely in support of the war. Life is getting a little “chippy,” as voices are demanding to be heard. As stated by Justice Fortas, Supreme Court Justice states in his Opinion of the Court, “Debate over the Viet Nam war had become vehement in many localities. A protest march against the war had been recently held in Washington, D.C. A wave of draft card burning incidents protesting the war had swept the country. At that time, two highly publicized draft card burning cases were pending in this Court. Both individuals supporting the war and those opposing it were quite vocal in expressing their views (” At the local level families are gathering to determine a public objection to the …show more content…

Many families in Des Moines, Iowa have decided to encourage their children in wearing black armbands to school to symbolize their objection to the war. Catching wind of the plan to wear armbands, the Des Moines school board meets to adopt policy stating any student wearing a black armband will be asked to remove it or be suspended from school. Seven students wore black armbands and all were suspended from school. A complaint was filed in the United States Courts asking for an injunction reversing the Des Moines school board. “After an evidentiary hearing, the District Court dismissed the complaint. It upheld the constitutionality of the school authorities' action on the ground that it was reasonable in order to prevent disturbance of school discipline. 258 F.Supp. 971 (1966) (” The District Courts properly supported the Des Moines school board affirming their authority within

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