
Persuasive Essay : The Harmful Effects Of Smoking

Satisfactory Essays

Almost everyone has know since they were just a little kid that smoking is not good for them. Even though people know this many still decide to go out and buy some cigarettes so they can smoke. There are so many reasons that smoking is not good. The main reason smoking is not good for people is because it is harmful to their body, and may even cause death. The smokers body isn’t even the only body that could be affected by their smoke, everyone that surrounds the smoker is breathing in the smoke and receiving second hand smoke. Some research suggests that second hand smoke is just as bad for your body as smoking a cigarette can be. Another bad thing about smoking is that it is not only harmful to the body, smoking is also harmful to the environment. So overall smoking in general is just bad for everyone that gets exposed to it, and bad for the world we inhabit. It would be nearly impossible to get rid of smoking as a whole, but one of the ways to contain the harmful effects of smoking would be to ban smoking from any public area. One of the big reasons that smoking should be banned in public is because of how bad it is for peoples health. Now obviously the best way to stop smoking from harming peoples health would be to ban smoking entirely. However, that is not possible to do that so this is the next best solution. The health of a smoker would be so much better off if they could only smoke at home. This is because they would not be able to smoke as many cigarettes on a

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