
Persuasive Essay - Weak After Weak

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Weak after weak, month after month, I kept trying all matter of ways to get my father either in trouble with the law, or make my mother’s family distrust him, all to no avail. The only toll that this was taking was on him. He kept getting madder and madder, only now he was taking it out on me again, which I was fine with. What I was not fine with, was that now he was completely ignoring my mother’s needs, and I had to take care of her. This had to end, I had to finish what I started. I had had enough of his shit, and was going to put a stop to his assholery, and prevent my mother’s death, and I was going to do it the very next night. At least that is what I thought. The plan was simple, yet as I go over it again in my mind I see it for the insanity that underlaid it, I was going to get him to stay true to his threat, and get him to make an attempt on my life. At least if he were to kill me, he would not get a chance to hurt her. Unfortunately my dreams could not prepare for what would transpire when I attempted my final plan.
It was the summer, just a few weeks before high school was to start. My father had taken to the habit of not coming home after work until after midnight. I would usually go to bed before he got home just to avoid him, as our conversations had grown droll, and obnoxious, but this night I had decided to wait for his return. This time it would be no simple argument. No, this time it was war. I was going to strike every nerve I could, holding nothing back.

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