
Persuasive Essay : What Is Sleep Deprivation?

Decent Essays

At one point in your life, whether you're in your late thirties or adolescent years, you may experience sleep deprivation be it crucial or mild. So, what exactly is sleep deprivation? Well, sleep deprivation is simply not getting enough or no sleep at all. Jane E. Brody, a reporter of The New York Times, states that “the average adolescent needs eight to nine and a half hours of sleep each night,” but studies show that only fifteen percent of juveniles get the recommended amount of sleep. It's no surprise that two in three teens are likely to be “severely” sleep-deprived, especially during finals week. Jonathan “Johnny” Espinoza Flores, a seventeen year-old current high school senior from California, recalls his experience with sleep deprivation saying that he seemed to “fumble” throughout his day “aside from the desire to fall asleep.” Mood swings are likely to occur, as is driving into traffic during rush hour. In Jonathan's case he states that he was easily upset and just wanted to be left alone. In addition, he says that he had “no motivation to work.” Miriam Díaz-Gilbert, an author and ultra-runner, went forty-two hours without sleep, which was more than her past experiences with sleep deprivation. During her one hundred mile run, she states that on mile ninety-eight she was sleep deprived. She describes herself as feeling “mentally and physically beaten, and feeling overwhelmed.” At one point, she began to cry. Similar to Jonathan and Miriam, a nineteen year-old UK

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