
Persuasive Speech On Adopting A Cat

Satisfactory Essays

There are several important things to take into consideration while preparing to adopt a cat. The cost of food, litter, veterinary bills and medications should all be taken deliberation before adopting any animal. A new owner will have to fully commit to providing for their cat for as long as it lives, which can be as long as 15 years. A person should never adopt a kitten without intending to care for the cat for as long as it lives, even as it grows older and cannot act as it used to. Throughout the cat’s lifetime, it will experience health challenges just as people do, and it will be the owner’s responsibility to provide proper care for it. Being aware of the symptoms for harmful infections and viruses is important, and early detection can determine whether the condition is treatable or not. Whether it is a young kitten or an older cat, adopting an animal is a life changing experience. The first step that a person should take before adopting a pet is to fully understand the responsibility that comes with owning an animal. Adopting an animal is a decision that should be made after a long period of consideration, and the choice should not be made on a whim. The cost for a cat was estimated by the ASPCA to be $1,035 for just the first year (Becker). Before introducing a cat into the home, gather all of the supplies that it will need to live comfortably. Cats need general necessities such as a litter box, food and a food and water dish, toys, a collar with an ID, and a place

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