Today I witnessed my first euthanasias that weren't of my own pets. It's definitely weird, when they are not your animals, and you aren't really necessary for the procedure to occur.
The first was a dumbo rex rat named Cheese with a tumor that weighed more than he did. His owners loved him greatly but understood it was his time, as he could no longer move away from his own urine and poop.
If you've ever put an animal down, dog, cat, you might think you know how it goes, but it's different with exotics. For one we take them back. First, we ask if the owner wants any time alone with them, then we take them back to the surgery room. Cheese's owners had already said goodbye so we proceed to step two.
Step two is to put the animal under anesthesia, this is where exotics is different besides the fact that we take them away from their owner. I suppose if the owner insisted we would allow them to come back, but it can be traumatic for the owner with exotics. Exotic animals have to be put under anesthesia because the medication that stops their heart is given directly into the heart, through the chest wall, as opposed to intravenously (through a vein). Obviously seeing a needle go into your animal's chest would be traumatic, so this is one reason why owners don't come back, but another is that most animals fight against anesthesia. They don't like the way it smells, and try to pull their nose out of the cone it's in to trap the gas. This is whether or not the animal is being
In PAS, the patient must self-administer the medications; the “assisted” portion attributes to a physician providing the medications, but the patient decides whether and when to ingest the lethal medication. Euthanasia occurs when a third party administers medication or acts directly to end the patient’s life. Euthanasia is illegal in every state, including Washington. (CNN).
Imagine you are confined to a hospital bed, unable to achieve basic tasks that include walking, eating, moving, and even breathing. Your death is inevitable, the pain you are experiencing is excruciating and unbearable. You are given approximately two months to live, but do not want to feel as though you have been defeated in the battle against the terminal disease that binds you with your death. With your doctor, you have been discussing the possible method of Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS) to end your agonizing pain. Your family fully supports your decision.
This is your fifth time taking a visit to the hospital where your terminally ill grandfather lays. You walk through the main entrance and you get that uneasy feeling as you enter the hospital. Nervous as you hand the security your ID and they slip you your pass and dismiss you with have a good day. You take a deep breath when you enter the room. There he is lying there drained, exhausted.
Think about you lying on a hospital bed and the only reason you are alive is because of wires hooked up to your body. The nurses and doctors are constantly injecting you with painkillers that only prolong your certain death. You are dying without dignity. The only thing that is stopping you know from reaching your kingdom come are the doctors. All this would hardly happen if physician assisted suicide was allowed.
Have you ever been in so much pain that you just wanted to die? Lots of people have thought that way, but how many people have really looked into it? More than you'd think,“Based on a recent study, 57% of physicians practicing today have received a request for physician-assisted suicide in some form or another,¨.
I three summers ago my cat Pluto who had liver problems became worse, he no longer was able to eat or move and had to be put down. My parents wrapped Pluto in a blanket and handed him to me after I got in the car. After my family said goodbye the veterinarian injected a needle into his arm killing him within seconds.
Every child has asked their parents for a pet animal. The thing is though, is what type of animal they asked for. Such as a dog or cat and even the occasional hippopotamus for Christmas, right? Lots of people buy exotic animals not knowing how much work it really takes to take care of them. For example, many people have bought pythons and when they get to a size where they can’t keep care of them they let them go into the wild. Exotic animals are very costly and time consuming, they grow up and get bigger and all in all they are very dangerous.
As we have explained so far throughout our speeches, we think that for the people that are suffering because their treatment is not working, that they should have the option of euthanasia.Under such circumstances, because they are suffering and nothing is working they should have a choice - that means it is of their own will - to die a painless death with the assistance of a doctor. We believe there are too many stories of people who are suffering and want the pain to end but can't die with dignity. Some of them end up committing suicide on their own.
It is important that communication is part of a euthanasia. In most cases clients pets are a large part of their life, they would want it to be stress free and painless for there animals ending. The decision that the clients have to make to get to this stage is usually hard for them so it is crucial that they are clear on how a euthanasia takes place and the possible after effects. This is so that the client is not disturbed if any unfortunate movements happen once the animal has passed away.
John Frank quotes the American Medical Association saying “Allowing physician assisted suicide would cause more harm than good. Physician- assisted suicide is fundamentally incompatible with the physician’s role as healer, would be difficult or impossible to control, and would pose serious societal risks” (Frank, 36).
It is also important for the staff of the facility to be well trained in handling the animals that are being used, and that they have the correct attitude when working with the animals. Anesthesia should be used whenever possible, and at the end of the experiment, the most humane method of euthanasia should be chosen.
The animal needs to be isolated between 5-7 days. The diagnostics that should also be completed are History & clinical signs. You want to prevent the spread to anyone else. So placing the animal in the isolation ward is the best cause of action. Strict isolation is designed to prevent transmission of highly contagious or organisms that may be spread by airborne contact transmission. Strict isolation requires a separate room with appropriate air flow. Masks, gowns and gloves should be worn by people entering the room. Design of facilities, including air flow, drainage, feeding systems and method of human access, is important. The vet clinics call these strict isolation areas an isolation ward. If an animal has a contagious disease they are plaed in the isolation ward which is specialised for animals with diseases and are seperated from other animals in the clinic. Its important that a vet and other staff are made aware of the animal that has been moved to isolation and the correct cleaning procedures should be started to clean and disinfect the area where the animal has just been, you want to prevent the spread of infection and disease so wearing the correct PPE and using f10 to disinfect the benches and bleach for the floors. To eliminate any
Attention Getter: Think about yourself or picture the one person you love with all your heart. Now imagine yourself or your love one suffering from unbearable pain or something so fatal that can’t be cured. There is no way that you or your love one could function without assistance. You or your love one feel that life has no meaning. This is real situation for so many people. These people should be able to make their own choices and have control of their own lives.
It has been argued that for people on life support systems and people with long standing diseases causing much pain and distress, euthanasia is a better choice. It helps in relieving them from pain and misery. In cases like terminal cancers when the patient is in much pain and when people associated with them also are put through a lot of pain and misery, it is much more practical and humane to grant the person his/her wish to end his/her own life in a relatively painless and merciful way.
Exotic animals are known to be dangerous predators. They travel across vast areas and take every opportunity to devour their prey. Meanwhile, the average pet gets out of its cage and consumes a small meal provided by its owner. The pet is certainly easier to manage than the exotic creature. However, some people own and keep said exotic animals as pets. This decision is an enormous risk to the owner and the animal in captivity.