
Persuasive Speech On Euthanasia

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Today I witnessed my first euthanasias that weren't of my own pets. It's definitely weird, when they are not your animals, and you aren't really necessary for the procedure to occur.

The first was a dumbo rex rat named Cheese with a tumor that weighed more than he did. His owners loved him greatly but understood it was his time, as he could no longer move away from his own urine and poop.

If you've ever put an animal down, dog, cat, you might think you know how it goes, but it's different with exotics. For one we take them back. First, we ask if the owner wants any time alone with them, then we take them back to the surgery room. Cheese's owners had already said goodbye so we proceed to step two.

Step two is to put the animal under anesthesia, this is where exotics is different besides the fact that we take them away from their owner. I suppose if the owner insisted we would allow them to come back, but it can be traumatic for the owner with exotics. Exotic animals have to be put under anesthesia because the medication that stops their heart is given directly into the heart, through the chest wall, as opposed to intravenously (through a vein). Obviously seeing a needle go into your animal's chest would be traumatic, so this is one reason why owners don't come back, but another is that most animals fight against anesthesia. They don't like the way it smells, and try to pull their nose out of the cone it's in to trap the gas. This is whether or not the animal is being

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