
Persuasive Speech On Human Papilloma Virus

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Human Papilloma Virus HPV Specific purpose: To persuade my audience why they should give their pre-teen the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine. Central ideal: People should get vaccinated to prevent contracting the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) which can lead to cervical cancer that can develop through HPV. Introduction I. How would you feel if one day, you went to your OBGYN for a routine checkup and a pap-smear. Afterwards, a few days later your doctor calls you to inform you that your pap-smear is abnormal. After a biopsy is performed, you find out that you have HPV. II. People should get vaccinated to prevent contracting the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). So, what is HPV? III. How the HPV vaccine can prevent you from getting the virus which has an extremely high rate that can lead to cervical cancer. An example of how HPV can affect individuals is the experience that my cousin, Darlene went through after receiving an abnormal pap-smear. IV. Controversy on why people refuse to get vaccinated? Transition Main point I: First, I will begin by discussing what HPV is Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) remains the most commonly sexually transmitted infection in both males and females. (Giuliano et al., 1999). A. Subpoint 1: According to the CDC (2008), HPV is the most common sexually transmitted disease. Approximately 20 million people are currently infected with the virus in the United States (Myers et al., 2000). About 6.2 million Americans get a new genital HPV infection each year

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