
Persuasive Speech On School Dress Code

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“Congress shall make no law... prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech...”. This is what our first amendment speaks about. The freedom of speech and expression. Schools have been violating this law in the place of school dress codes. There should not be a dress code in school because it violates the first amendment, they do not support creativity and they are expensive. Dress codes violate the first amendment. Students should have the ability to express themselves as it is their right to do so, but schools are prohibiting them from being able to express themselves. In the article Are Student Dress Codes a Violation of Civil Rights, Yates Kimberly claims, “If a school district can show that political …show more content…

This shows that by cutting off their clothing, you are preventing them from expressing themselves and showing creativity. By cutting off this method of creativity, you make them less and less creative. There is even more evidence for this in the Article Uniforms Limit Number of Outlets for Creativity and Self-Expression. Linn Hoofnagle portrays that, “they restrict self-expression. We live in a dynamic society, full of unique characters that make our world a spontaneous one. Cutting that off at a young age only stifles creativity and encourages conformity”. This shows that by removing self-expression and creativity, you teach students that everybody looks the same. This is not true. By teaching students this, it will make them less creative as seeing people who don’t look the same will make them more creative. This will also make it so that instead of introducing yourself to others you stay to yourself more often. Dress codes are bad as it makes kids less creative. My final reason is because they are expensive according to an article called How Much Does a School Uniform Cost. “The average cost of a school uniform is $25-$250. Without any school specific designs and $100-$500 with school specific designs.” This is per uniform. If you wanted to have five

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