
Persuasive Speech

Decent Essays

For generations, the world has struggled tremendously with pollution which makes society wonder if they will be able to recover from the everlasting effects of contamination. “The Obligation to Endure” by Rachel Carson illustrates an informative stance on the topic of pollution in order to expose humans for being the main source of polluting the Earth. Carson talks about the many accidents from pesticide that cause pollution and how they are irreversible. In contrast, a Natural Defense Resources Council article by John Walke named “Trump EPA’s Scientific Fraud on Deadly Air Pollution” explains how President Donald Trump has reported to revoke the Clean Power Plan which was first introduced during Barack Obama’s presidency in 2015. This biased article shows how beneficial the Clean Power Plan is for the nation and how wrongful Trump is for thinking this is the right choice. Wilke uses logos, pathos, and an urgent tone to point out the reasons why the Clean Power Plan is important to the United States. Likewise, Carson also uses logos and pathos in her article, but she uses a reflective tone to draw attention to the major reason for pollution: humans. As the world changes everyday, pollution and global warming have taken effect on everyday lives. In “The Obligation to Endure”, Carson uses logos to show that pollution is undeniably fatal to all living things on Earth by saying, “Along with the possibility of the extinction of mankind by nuclear war, the central problem for

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