
Pet Therapy Research Paper

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Capstone Project
Improving Patient Well-being through Pet Therapy Pets provide a valuable companionship for older adults and help people grow up in a more secure and active life, as well as playing an important role in the health of a person. They provide a relationship centered and compassionate role in the healing and dying journey of their loved one. Pets or animals in general can be of great benefit to both the mental and overall health of an older adult. Some benefits includes a decrease of social isolation, increase positive behaviors, improvement of overall health, distraction from pain or traumatic thoughts, chronic conditions or diseases based on studies that have been conducted on not only adults, but also in children. Pet therapy …show more content…

Pet visits can provide comfort, decrease stress, anxiety and pain, helping hospital experiences more positive among patients, which will have a positive impact on their recovery (Goddard & Gilmer, 2015). According to Moreira et al. (2016), the most observed benefits of pet therapy are reduction in anxiety, stress, loneliness and isolation, relaxation, improve the hospital's environment, interpersonal relationships, and the communication between health professionals and patients. Some of these benefits mentioned by Moreira et al. were also observed in several of the residents who interacted with the therapy dog at the different facilities. When the dog would come into their room or the area they were in, their eyes would not move away from the dog as if a ray of light was entering and most would have such a big smile on their face. Many of these residents suffer from either early to late stages of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, but even so they would recognize the dog or the day it was knowing it was the day that this particular dog would be there visiting. This is very astonishing, knowing that a simple dog can make such an impact on a person. Some were non-verbal, and when the dog would come to see them, they would speak a few words or make gesture sounds. Bibbo (2013) mentioned that a dog could help facilitate communication …show more content…

With the use of pet therapy, nurses are able to help patients recover in a way that is different from the more traditional approach, either by distraction from hospital or nursing facility routines and treatments or through the presence and interaction with an animal, which serves as comforting and relaxing.
Lesson learned In this project, I learned that pet therapy is a type of complementary intervention that provides nurses an opportunity to make a connection and focus on their patients in a unique caring and interactive way, as it was seen firsthand when I visited the different locations. This type of therapy can be used to help facilitate the relationship between the nurse, patient and family whether they are from a different cultural background or speak another

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