PH Business Skill Management Tool Beam Scenario Ideas Summary Level of Development
Problem Solving
Strategic Thinking Root Cause Analysis
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Identifying and Mitigating risks Health and Well-Being for All, Focus: Asthma As a county public health official you have a goal to Improve the county’s profile on RWJF’s County Health Rankings. In order to achieve this you are trying to outline a plan to address the high rates of childhood asthma in the community. Here is a case that illustrates the problems faced. Raeshawn is an 11-year-old African-American boy who experiences difficulty breathing during gym class at school. He’s had prior hospitalizations due to his asthma. He lives in a housing
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Roger, 54, lives in Atlanta with wife and 2 school age children, salesman for large company. Does his best to have a healthy lifestyle, but discovers he has high blood pressure. Decides to reduce sodium intake on Dr. advice. Whole family gets onboard, discover that most food they buy contain too much sodium. Struggle to find alternatives. Community Health Worker and nutritionist works with Pharmacy at Grocery store and gives them tips and documents on how to shop and cook low sodium items. For Kids, Mom asks to see nutrition facts for school lunches. Shocked to discover too much sodium. Roger 's employer starts a health contest. One category is sodium intake. The employer provide trainers and nutrition advisers in gym at work. Soon Roger 's blood pressure improved. Fully developed case study with questionnaire, tools, and reference material
Problem Solving
Strategic Thinking Root Cause Analysis
Critical factors for success
Identifying and Mitigating risks Case Study: Promoting Childhood Vaccination in Washington State: Overcoming Vaccine Hesitance As a State Health official, your main objective is to propose a feasible implementation plan for a population-based approach to increase childhood vaccination in Washington. Here is a case study followed by a series of
I am passionate about this issues. I have worked as an immunization nurse for several years in the state of Maryland. In Maryland there are strict requirements for vaccinating children for school entry. I worked for Prince George’s County and Baltimore County Health Department. In the state of Maryland many children each year are out compliance and therefore are not allowed to attend school until the requirements are satisfied.
I met the community outreach programmer Ms. Lisa and I discussed with her about an appropriate evidence-based practice. Ms. Lisa said that there is not education program in Taney County Health Department for asthmatic people. Thus, she asked me to find a successful evidence-based practice, which has been applied in the other Counties or States
This results in Hispanics Americans living in very tightly-knit segregated urban communities, in older housing, and lack access to healthcare that can contribute to asthma exacerbation (Bhan et al., 2015). In the State of Connecticut there is a program called, Putting on AIRS or Asthma Indoor Risk Strategies. This program designed to assess environmental risk in the homes for asthmatic children and families. The hope is to reduce the frequency of asthma-related events by identifying environmental triggers. A public health nurse experienced in asthma management, conducts asthma education in the home. There is also an assessment for environmental asthma triggers in the home such as roach infestation or mold. The program follows participants over a six-month time frame, and has been shown to significantly improve outcomes for asthmatics (Nepaul et al.,
I had the privilege to attend a legislative hearing session that was held in the General Assembly of Maryland in Annapolis. The hearing was held by the Senate Education, Health and Environmental Affairs Committee on February 25, 2015 at 1:00pm. The committee is chaired by Senator Joan Carter Conway and vice chair Senator Paul G Pinsky. The public hearing session that I attended was regarding Senate Bill number 598 entitled Public Health Vaccination Reporting to Maryland immunization registry, a web based software called ImmuNet. The bill was first introduced on February 6, 2015, which was requested by the Department of Mental Health and Hygiene. The other committee members that were present in this session included Senator Simonaire Bryan, Senator Gail Bates, Senator Rosapepe Jim, Senator Montgomery Karen and Senator Nathan Pulliam Shirley. Furthermore, this paper will discuss the legislative session proceedings on the senate bill 598 entitled Public Health Vaccination Reporting Requirement that will include the purpose of the meeting, attendees and their role in health care, the impact that the legislative bill will have on current healthcare practices, efficacy of the oppositions to the bill and my position on the bill.
Since asthma exacerbations in adolescence can lead to emergency room visits, hospitalizations, missed school and diminished health status, there was an evident need for effective asthma management for this population (Quaranta et al., 2014). Unfortunately, these rural adolescents with asthma, and their families, had difficulty determining when their asthma was poorly controlled; and unless the asthma symptoms were disruptive to family life, there was often little motivation for these individuals to seek medical care, thus increasing the risk of poor outcomes (Quaranta et al., 2014, p. 99). According
Choosing to vaccinate or not vaccinate children has become a large topic of contention between parents and medical personnel. Rates of non-medical vaccine exemptions for children entering public school continue to increase across the country. This increase has coincided with a resurgence in outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases, or VPDs (Lynfield, 2014, p.1). There are a variety of reasons why a family might apply for a non-medical exemption and the validity of these exemptions varies from state to state. Regardless of the justifiability of an exemption, growing numbers of non-vaccinated children entering school will increase the prevalence and mortality from VPDs (Lynfield, 2014, p.2).
In order for Florida to restructure its vaccination system all of the involved communities (parental, medical, and political) must come to an understanding on the most important
Vaccinations have had a huge influence on enhancing the health of kids across the country, yet every year, regardless of the health department’s efforts, the number of parents opting out of vaccinating their children continually rises. This essay explores various articles, journals and facts about vaccinations in an attempt to convince the audience that this is a serious enough issue that warrants their immediate attention. The vaccination prevents dangerous and sometimes deadly diseases. One of the most effective ways for a parent to protect their child is to have them immunized. The vaccination does not only protect the individual child but also aides in the protection of the community in which the child lives. Opponents of vaccinations,
A public safety issue that is this huge has many interested parties but the main three are parents, medical professionals and the federal government. Parents have a strong interest in this issue because of their natural concern for the safety of their children. It’s a parent’s responsibility to make the best decisions they can with the information they have, in regards to the health of their children. Medical professionals also have a strong connection to this issue for several reasons. First, the growth of the anti-vaccination movement can be pinpointed to
This paper examines the controversy surrounding the public health issue of vaccinations in children. Following a careful review of the literature surrounding this issue, the possible reasons for and implications of having a large percentage of the population who remains unvaccinated are discussed. Possible interventions and purposed interventions for resolution of this problem are discussed and conclusions are drawn based on what it learned from the literature.
Thesis Statement: Recently, the United States has seen a resurgence of many different diseases that we haven 't seen in decades. Much of this problem is caused by failure to get vaccinations, and a key step to solving the issue is education.
Childhood asthma impacts scores of youngsters and their families. In fact, the bulk of kids develop respiratory illness before the age of
Purpose: The purpose of this speech is to inform my audience on the importance of vaccinating their children. My central idea is that current education is too lax, we need to better educate our new parents on the importance of vaccinations.
Decreasing immunization rates according to medical professionals present health safety threats to entire communities that can become susceptible to infectious deadly diseases (“Global Health”). However, actions taken by state governments could serve as means to target these low immunization rates. Considering that newborns and toddlers are especially vulnerable to diseases like influenza or whooping cough, implementing legislative reforms that target children in specific would be a step toward the prevention of millions of deaths (“Vaccine Safety”). Mandatory state vaccination policies for children would be an effective measure to take to prevent the consequences of the spread of deadly diseases throughout the
When observing statsically research over the past two decades there seems to be two consistent themes for reasonings behind forgoing vaccinations of children which will be discussed later. However, these two reasonings might shed light on the topic and help explain the existence of this trend. A report released by the California Department of Public Safety shows that there has been an increase for both public and private schools from 2007 to 2014 of 2.6% to 5.7% of students receiving expemtions from vaccinations at the statewide level. The report also illistrated that