
Philosophies In The 1970s Essay

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duction The philosophical ideas of a time often shape the psyche of entire societies. For my parents’ generation, intellectual thought and philosophies were more present than ever. The 1970s through the 1990s were full of people who created new ways of thinking and understanding. So new ideas that were presented are deconstruction, individualism, liberalism, post-modernism, and others. All of these “-isms” were used to help explain society and certain phenomena. While it is obvious that these ideas existed and were used at the time, it is less obvious as to the accessibility of the philosophies to everyday citizens. I asked my parents about the role of these philosophies in their lives. While they do not speak for all Americans living at the …show more content…

The ideas and philosophies of a time period help to shape how a society acts and what people care about. The time period of my parents’ generation was no different. During the 1970s through the 1990s, intellectual elites were discussing and proposing philosophies to help them understand and explain the fracturing and confusion of the time. Some of the philosophies included liberalism, deconstructionism, individualism, and others. While the philosophies were present at the time, they were not widespread enough to be directly present in my parent’s upbringing. Nonetheless, even though the thoughts my parents had and the philosophies they followed were not officially one of the “-isms”, they still had intellectual stimulation. They still had observations about the world and formed their own theories about fracture, or identity, or politics, or any other pertinent issue of their era. The ideas of the time seeped into their lives in different ways as society reflected some of the thoughts of the academy. Still, their intellectual development, and the development of many Americans likely occurred outside of the sphere of the academy and their philosophies. Whether the refined ideas of the few, or the less specific ideas of the many, intellectual stimulation and development was an integral part of American life in these decades, and people all had different ways of achieving

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