People cannot control where they are born, the color of their skin, or who their parents are. They can control how they conduct themselves and the actions they take. Ethics encompass morality and the principles of right and wrong. In order for society to prosper we need ethical people working together toward a goal of integrity and compassion. Everyone has circumstances in their lives that they can and cannot control and knowing that is the key to living in harmony with themselves and others. Epictetus was a Stoic philosopher who wrote, The Enchiridion, a manual which instructed people on how to live their life ethically and honorably on a social level. His belief was that regardless of personal conditions, people could live with pride and discipline. Epictetus tells us differentiating between what is in our own power to control and what is not is the key to a noble life (281). Epictetus emphasized that people should not worry over what they cannot control; they should concentrate on their behaviors they can control and change. Focusing on the negatives is not helpful. Spending time yearning for what someone else has is pointless. There are people born into wealth and others are born into poverty and this cannot be controlled. Epictetus recognized that whatever occupation someone chose was their decision; but they should do proudly and competently whatever they choose (283). For example, if a person wants to start their own business, Epictetus tells
Epictetus was a Greek Stoic philosopher who was credited with writing the famous quote “No great thing is created suddenly.” Stoicism is a form of ancient Greek philosophy that teaches self-control in order to overcome otherwise destructive moments. In 50 CE, Epictetus was born as a slave in Hierapolis, but in 130 CE, he passed away as one of the best-known philosophers. After being liberated from slavery in 68 CE, Epictetus began teaching Stoicism in Rome. Comparable to the “great thing” that was not created suddenly in Epictetus’ quote, Epictetus’ freedom from slavery was also not granted to him suddenly. Since Epictetus was a slave for eighteen years, he knew that it takes time for great things to happen.
When he was gifted with his liberty, Epictetus started “teaching principles of personal freedom and tranquility” (Traylor, 2004. P 11). His followers became so numerous that it alarmed the Roman Empire rulers. When the emperor requested that he “shave off his beard to show the public his subservience to the emperor”, he declined (Traylor, 2004. P 12). Subsequently, Epictetus was ordered into exile. In Greece, his place of exile, he opened a small school. According to Traylor, this school taught students “how to live a life of serenity and purpose” (p 12). Traylor wrote, “He was said to be a kind and good-hearted man, passing away around the year 130 A.D” (p. 12).
“Highlighted in prison camps, where everyday human nature, stripped bare, can be studied under a magnifying glass in accelerated time. Lessons spotlighted and absorbed in that laboratory sharpens one eye for their abstruse but highly relevant applications in the “real time” world of now”(10). As a POW he suffered indescribable trials externally controlled by other individuals. “ The historical perspective which enabled a man to take himself away from all the agitation, not necessarily see a rosy lining, but to see the real nature of the situation he faced, was truly a thing of value”(12). The misfortunes, which fell upon the POW’s, were unfair but in regard to Epictetus the unfairness in life is what makes individuals so courageous. POW not
Throughout Discourses, Epictetus discusses the universe as rational, even though if it may be cruel and unjust at times. The world functions according to its own laws with little regard to mankind; therefore we must use patience, courage, and reason to accept these inevitable limitations. Epictetus makes a variety of well-articulated thoughts about stoicism and our ability as humans to place mind over matter. Although I sometimes tend to associate his ideology with not challenging the status quo and being passive, Epictetus’s position on our rational faculty is entirely plausible. Epictetus claims that all desires and feelings are genuine or false value judgements made by our minds.
Vincent Ardolino, Captain of the Amberjack V, is a living example of Epictetus’s quote. Ardolino is the type of person who can’t stand by and watch people suffer (Boatlift). He felt the need to do something. Vincent Ardolino knew that he had to go to the site of the attack and help those who could not escape. Epictetus tells us that our impulses are up to us, and this was certainly true in the case of Vincent Ardolino.
Epictetus was a Stoic philosopher who lived during the height of the Roman Empire, 50 to 135 CE roughly. He was born a slave in modern Turkey. He was given his name from the Greek word επικτητος, meaning ‘acquired’ or ‘slave’. As a slave he was permitted to attend philosophy lectures, which were held by Stoics at the time. During his time as a slave, Epictetus’ leg was injured, either from torture or an accident, and, due to his familiarity with Stoicism, he was able to endure it. He got his freedom when Nero was appointed emperor; however, during the rule of Domitian, Epictetus was exiled and moved to Greece. He started a philosophy school where he continued to teach about Stoicism and eventually died. His student, Arrian, wrote and published his works: The Discourses and Epictetus’ shorter book, the Enchiridion, or The Manual.
Born of different stations, languages and creeds, Epictetus and Seneca are Roman philosophers who externally appear to be very different. Epictetus was born to a slave mother, sold as a slave himself and spent the majority of his youth as a slave in Rome. Seneca was born into money; he became tutor to a boy named Nero who later acquired position of Emperor of Rome in 54 A.D. Though these two men seem to be from very different worlds, they have a shared purpose in studying philosophy. The purpose of their writings was to teach people how to live well. Though they had a shared purpose, they suggested its achievement through different means. Epictetus professed an ‘expect the worst so you wont be disappointed when it happens’
Ethics refer to the values that guide a person, organization or society - - the difference between right and wrong, fairness and unfairness, honesty and dishonesty.
According to the New Oxford American Dictionary, ethics is defined as “moral principles that govern a person’s or group’s behavior.” Therefore, in an ideal world, ethics should play the ultimate role when making a decision. If ethics are the principles which guides one’s behavior then, ideally, all decisions should be made entirely based on ethics. Unfortunately, such is not always the case.
To fully understand the nature of the question posed one must know the meaning of ethics. Webster’s dictionary defines ethics as the philosophical study of the moral value of human conduct and of the rules and principles that ought to govern it; moral philosophy, the moral fitness of a decision, course of action, etc. Basically, I believe ethics is how one makes a decision according to the social norm that surrounds him. The social norm includes not only the culture but the laws and standard procedures of the environment. These laws and norms must be fully understood before one can understand the ethical significance of one’s decision.
Ethics is defined as moral principles of conduct, which people usually agree with. Unlike in law there is no punishment involved in ethical values, if you don't follow according with the standards. There are many things that influence ethical behaviour. These can be personal reflection, religious beliefs, culture, experiences and family influences. If broadly speaking, ethics is the science or study of the morality of how humans act through the medium of natural reason.
Having a foundation of supporting and morally correct role models will instill the values to act with good intentions. Also, ethics to me is acts of kindness and compassion. I strongly believe to treat others how you want to be treated. However, there will always be situations where one will have to make the choice of choosing one decision over the other to protect what you think is morally correct at the time. For example, a doctor might think he has a medical moral obligation whereas the family may override the Doctor’s moral dilemma and deal with the consequences. Some people may feel intimidated by one’s status, but if one is taught strong values at the beginning of life, deciding the right thing to do, may just be second nature to
Every action and decision one makes is derived from ethics. In my opinion, ethics is about doing the right thing no matter the situation. Ethics has a lot to do with one’s personal values and it is important due to the fact that it influences the way a person governs their life. I believe being ethical has a lot to do with the way one was brought up and the values that were instilled into them from a young age. My ethical views originated from my upbringing and the lessons my parents taught me. My parents are big believers of always doing the right thing and that mindset got passed onto me. My ethical values shape who I am as a person and impacts the way I go about life. Ethics is extremely important to me because I want to be the best version of myself and with that entails
Ethics is the branch of philosophy that deals with the principles correlated to human behavior concerning the rightness and wrongness of specific conduct, and to the good and bad that influences and ends those actions (, 2011). In other words, ethics is the choice people effect in regards to a decision they need to achieve. Without ethics directing the choice an individual makes, moral preferences of what should or should not be done becomes irrelevant. While ethical decisions are made every day there are two different regions in which these choices are made.
Ethics are moral principles or values that govern the conduct of an individual or a group.It is not a burden to bear, but a prudent and effective guide which furthers life and success. Ethics are important not only in business but in academics and society as well because it is an essential part of the foundation on which a civilized society is built.