
Phoenix Jackson

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From two different angles, I think the grandson of Phoenix Jackson is already past away. The story is the journey of the old lady walk to the city, getting medicine for her grandson, but during the journey and what she say when she talking to the nurse, all the words are having a sad emotion. First, Phoenix Jackson is a good walker. She walk to city in certain time during years, even the nurse know about it. When she first got there, she was not able to answer anything, not untill the nurse ask her did her grandson died. I think from the beginning of Phoenix Jackson step into that building untill now, she just doing everything by habit. Because every single time she came to the city is because her grandson, but now maybe she lost her grandson, which makes her forgot about the reason being there. And the …show more content…

She has two different condition through out the story. She gets calm and smart when she met the hunter and the nurse. But she gets slow and blind when she walking in the woods and talking about her grandson. She keep talking to herself during the journey, she wants all the animals and trees and bushes let her walk pass the woods, she get trap by the bushes because she can not see thing well. But after she fall into the ditch, she met the hunter, suddenlly she is able to watch a coin drop from the hunter’s pocket, and quickly pick it up without notice. And when she talking to the nurse and the hunter, she was acting, because the old lady knows when she speak cartain things, people will not bother her anymore. Phoenix Jackson is a wise women who live through the South North War, and her body condition is very healthy for a old women like her. But she gets slow when she thinking about her grandson, animals and trees in some way represents innocence and pure, which just like her grandson. I think it is the reason why she keeps talking to the animals and plants during the

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