
Phone-Based Interventions

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In the lifetime of most, cigarette smoking is common occurrence noticed as you go throughout your community. In the medical setting, hospital professions see the disabling effects caused by smoking. Being a change agent in your society is necessary for enhancing the well-being of others through each community. Healthy People 2020 creates a goal to “reduce illness, disability, and death related to tobacco use and secondhand smoke exposure” (2017) Seeing the effects of smoking in the medical setting it motivates professionals to educate our patients’ on smoking cessation. For the topic of this research, our group was motivated by understanding how well our education paid off and whether we were able to find more control in smoking …show more content…

During the literature review process, five articles stood out as strong research evidence in this area of study.

ASSESSMENT AND ANALYSIS OF THE PROBLEM Healthy People 2020 describes some of the harmful effects caused by tobacco. Those causes outlined are cancer, heart disease and stroke, lung diseases, reproductive effects, and many other diseases. (2017) These harmful effects are direct to the smoker but are also harmful secondhand to those who because subjected to the smoke. Children are especially exposed to secondhand smoke as they have limited control in escaping from it. Diseased commonly caused and also discussed in Healthy People 2020 are “severe asthma attacks, respiratory infections, ear infections, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)” (2017) The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services posted an article with the Surgeon General, titled, The Health Consequences of Smoking—50 Years of Progress.; outlined in …show more content…

His theory consists of three phases: Unfreeze, Change, and Freeze. Using this theory to discuss a plan to change for patients that nurses come in contact with could be beneficial. The theory begins with the Unfreezing stage; the stage of understanding that change is necessary for our society. For smoking cessation, it begins with knowing smoking is harmful to the body. Nurses can discuss this by personally relating to our patients; discussing the disease they are facing and correlation to smoking, such as teaching a patient with heart disease that smoking is a contributing factor and why. This needs to be done in a way that is not demeaning to the patients, but that is factual and motivating. Education is extremely important and can be done at any phase. In my health career thus far, I have worked on a Pulmonary unit, education about smoking occurs for almost all of my patients as they typically have a disease that smoking has been a huge contributing factor. The most common disease I have noticed in my career is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). During my education to these clients, I discuss how smoking damages the cilia in the lungs and how CO2 cannot be released; smoking cessation can dramatically decrease how quickly this disease causes mortality by preventing further damage. While my education personally has been on a respiratory

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