
Smoking: America's Leading Cause Of Death

Decent Essays

One of America’s leading cause of death is smoking. Smoking has been around for years and doesn’t look like it’s going away anytime soon. The effects of smoking harms about every organ in the body, for example: the heart, blood vessels, lungs, eyes, mouth, reproductive organs, bones, bladder, and digestive organs. Smokers use that “it’s my body, I do what I want,” The problem with that is smoking doesn’t just affect the person doing it. It harms other people in the ways; it’s called 2nd hand smoking. People who receive second hand smoking are possible to get a disease as a person who smokes regularly. It might not be as serve but will still be not good. Most people are trying to quit but aren’t trying hard enough without motivation. Smoking is one of the most common causes of death however quitting now will decrease your chances of disease and death. website claims that a single …show more content…

Most people believe that “oh if I don’t smoke that many then I won’t get cancer.” That’s not the case though, researches have proven that it doesn’t matter how many cigarettes you smoke it just matters that you smoke them. Mia Gaudete, PhD, American Cancer Society director of genetic epidemiology, said that the breast muscle isn’t fully developed until after a woman has her first child and the breast is more sensitive to tobacco products. Young girls are more at risk to breast cancer because of the sensitivity. Gaudete stated, “The key message from this study should be additional motivation to young women to not start smoking.” If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer you are more likely to form another type of cancer in your other breast, usually not the same

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