
Photosynthesis Lab Report

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Photosynthesis Affects Greenhouse Effect
Alisha Herrera
Bio111-Pueblo Community College

The process of photosynthesis is using sunlight (light energy) conversion to produce chemical energy and storing it in the bonds of sugar carbohydrates. The process requires light energy, carbon dioxide (CO2), and water (H2O) to produce (C6H12O6). When glucose is the carbohydrate, the overall reaction: 6CO2 + 6H2O (+ light energy) → C6H12O6 + 6O2. Photosynthesis is an endergonic process, meaning it reduces CO2 and produces O2.
The process of photosynthesis occurs inside the leaves specifically in the mesophyll cells that contain chloroplast. Chlorophyll is the green pigment involved in photosynthesis. Chloroplast structures contain outer and inner membranes, intermembrane space, stoma, and thylakoids (stacked in grana) (Photosynthesis. (2008, August 2). Retrieved December 5, 2014, from The chlorophyll is built into the membranes of the thylakoids. Because chlorophyll absorbs blue and red light waves it appears green. The green light waves that aren’t absorbed give us the ability to see it. The energy from the absorbed blue and red light waves is used for the photosynthesis process. The visible green light waves cannot be absorbed by the plant. …show more content…

ATP is used by cells to store energy. ATP contains nucleotide adenine which, is bonded to Ribose sugar, and to three phosphate groups. The second cycle (Calvin’s cycle) purpose is to convert energy from ATP and CO2 to produce sugar. The Calvin cycle occurs inside the stoma within the chloroplast (2009, April 29). Retrieved December 6, 2014, from This reaction cycle does not need light, however it needs ATP and NADPH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-oxidase) products from the light

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