
Physical Therapists And Physical Therapy

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Let 's get Physical....Therapy
What does an individual do if he injures his body or is ill and it does not get better over time? Go to rehabilitation, of course! That is, rehabilitation for the body! These rehabilitation specialists are physical therapists or, as they are sometimes called, “PTs”. A physical therapist is a person who helps the injured manage their pain and improve their movement. A physical therapist is an individual who goes through a certain amount and type of schooling to obtain a specific degree that makes him eligible to become a qualified physical therapist. The promising job outlook and good pay benefits, combined with possessing certain skills, makes this career in physical therapy a great choice. Physical therapist care for people of all ages with "functional problems" (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics 2) that result from illnesses or injuries connected to sports, work, or everyday activities. Physical therapists typically review a patient 's medical history and any notes or referrals from surgeons, doctors, or other health professionals. Physical therapists attempt to diagnose a patient 's movement by watching how they walk or stand and by listening to their complaints. However, there are "different forms of treatment" (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics 2) that are needed, depending on the patient. The physical therapist creates a set "plan of care" (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics 2) for a patient that outlines their personal goals and the

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