
Physical Violence In Schools

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Physical Violence
When non-physical violence occurs, many witnesses including teachers, parents and peers tend to look the other way unless an individual is physically attached. Today, many things trigger physical abuse. If a student doesn’t fit into what society views as “normal” they are pushed, hit, kicked, and spit upon by their peers. Teachers are being attacked by students and in turn, students are being attacked by teachers (McFalls 2017). Physical violence has also increased due to the ease of access to weapons. There have been an increased number of student attacked with guns, knives and other forms of weapons. These types of attacks have been highlighted in events such as the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary where 27 individuals were killed and 2 injured; Virginia Tech College, where 32 individuals were killed and 17 injured; and Columbine High school, where 13 individuals were killed and 21 injured. Whether the violence begins at home, exposure to violent television or violent music, there is no doubt that each has contributed to an increase in violent behavior in our school systems which leads to physical violence (

Lack of Supervision
A student’s lack of supervision is not always by choice, however, many households demand income support from both parents. Some mothers are not able to be homemakers and care for the family. Times have changed and with the

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