
Physics Of Crumple Zones

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Crumple zones are structural areas in the front, sometimes rear of a vehicle that are designed to absorb energy upon impact in a predictable way.
When a car crash occurs, the goal is for the structure to crush in a relatively gradual, predictable way that absorbs much of the impact energy, keeping it away from the occupants in what is termed a “controlled crush.”
Physics of car crumple zones
Newton’s first law indicates that an object in motion will remain in motion with the same speed along with the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. As a result, if a vehicle is going 70mph, the bodies inside are as well. If the vehicle collides with a solid wall and stops immediately, the bodies will want to continue going in the same …show more content…

Even after a human body comes to a stop in an accident, its internal organs continue to shift, slamming against each other because of the impact, often causing serious injury or death.
Newton’s second law of motion indicating force = mass x acceleration, supports that as the time it takes for an automobile to come to rest or change direction is increased, the force experienced by the automobile (also its occupants) is decreased. Conversely, if the time to stop is shorter, the force experienced is greater. Crumple zones add time to the crash by swallowing the energy.
Crumple zones grant the front of the vehicle to crush like a Squeezebox, consuming some of the impact of the collision, also granting some in the form of heat and sound. The front of the vehicle effectively acts as a cushion that slows the time it takes for the vehicle to come to a complete stop applying less force on passengers, which could benefit in save their lives.

Detailed explanation of the relationship between the speed and force on the vehicle …show more content…

The car’s front structure is divided into zones, each of them with the specific role during the deformation process. The different properties have been achieved by using different grades of steel making the outer zones softer than the inner zones, also ensuring that the collision forces are absorbed and controlled in an efficient manner in order to minimise intrusion into the passenger compartment. The engine also contributes to effective defamation due to its space-saving transverse installation and that all main components in the engine bay have their own predetermined positions even after a frontal collision in order to help reduce component intrusion into the cabin and provide the occupants with optimum

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