
Physiotherapy Warm Up Questions

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Warm up questions

1. Can you tell me why you are visiting the physiotherapy clinic today?
2. How many times you visited the clinic for this particular problem?
3. From where / how you know about physiotherapy treatment?
4. Have you ever had an experience with physiotherapy treatment?
Factors associates with patient and therapist relationship
5. Can you explain your experiences about the treatment and therapeutic session that you attended in the physiotherapy department?
6. Did you felt any difficulties during session?
7. Can you tell me any time in your treatment session do you feel you can’t follow or any difficulties with particular treatments or advices that provided by therapist?
8. If yes, what are the reasons that prevent you from …show more content…

In that situation what was the response of the therapist?
10. Can you tell me if you currently using or have been used any other form treatment for this particular condition?
11. Do you have any interest to use any other form of treatment for your condition? Why?
12. Did your physiotherapist provide enough information about your condition and about the treatment?
13. How the physiotherapist explained you about your condition and the treatment?
14. According to you who is an ideal physiotherapist?
15. What did you expect from physiotherapy?
16. Do you have any suggestion to improve the therapeutic sesstion?
17. What you think about recovery? How you know about your recovery?
18. Do you think patient therapist bonding influence the recovery? Can you tell me according to you how a patient therapist bonding influence the recovery?
19. Did your relationship with your therapist change over time?
20. What is your opinion about treatment settings? (related to treatment time, treatment environment, privacy)
21. Do you have any difficulties to attend the clinic? ( related to accessibility)
22. What did you expect the treatment settings to be?
23. Do you have any other comments you would like to add about?
Demographic data
What is your name?
What is your

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