Warm up questions
1. Can you tell me why you are visiting the physiotherapy clinic today?
2. How many times you visited the clinic for this particular problem?
3. From where / how you know about physiotherapy treatment?
4. Have you ever had an experience with physiotherapy treatment?
Factors associates with patient and therapist relationship
5. Can you explain your experiences about the treatment and therapeutic session that you attended in the physiotherapy department?
6. Did you felt any difficulties during session?
7. Can you tell me any time in your treatment session do you feel you can’t follow or any difficulties with particular treatments or advices that provided by therapist?
8. If yes, what are the reasons that prevent you from
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In that situation what was the response of the therapist?
10. Can you tell me if you currently using or have been used any other form treatment for this particular condition?
11. Do you have any interest to use any other form of treatment for your condition? Why?
12. Did your physiotherapist provide enough information about your condition and about the treatment?
13. How the physiotherapist explained you about your condition and the treatment?
14. According to you who is an ideal physiotherapist?
15. What did you expect from physiotherapy?
16. Do you have any suggestion to improve the therapeutic sesstion?
17. What you think about recovery? How you know about your recovery?
18. Do you think patient therapist bonding influence the recovery? Can you tell me according to you how a patient therapist bonding influence the recovery?
19. Did your relationship with your therapist change over time?
20. What is your opinion about treatment settings? (related to treatment time, treatment environment, privacy)
21. Do you have any difficulties to attend the clinic? ( related to accessibility)
22. What did you expect the treatment settings to be?
23. Do you have any other comments you would like to add about?
Demographic data
What is your name?
What is your
When she sees a patient for the first time she talks to them about the doctor’s report and asks specific questions about their injury or experiences leading up to the need for physical therapy. Megan explained how important it is to make the patient feel comfortable and keep a positive attitude towards the patient’s recovery. These consultations were the most interesting to sit in on because it allowed me to observe the therapist’s ability to take the patient’s information and create a diagnosis and treatment plan for the injury or pain described. Megan may have multiple patients at a time so she stressed the importance of keeping up with each patient and why the physical therapy techs are so helpful. Scheduling is another job of the therapists that is important in keeping the clinic running smoothly. There is also paperwork that has to be filled out for every patient after every visit about their
I believe that the intake form reviewed all necessary questions needed to determine the client’s social and medical history to develop personalized goals for the client’s individualized treatment plan. I will begin to discuss the areas that the intake form reviews in order to obtain the necessary information to develop a treatment plan for the client.
Please answer the following questions by circling either strongly agree, agree, neither, disagree or strongly disagree. Over the past 6 months or most recent visits in receiving physical therapy treatment care for your chronic condition, you were….
As a PTA I have been given a breath of knowledge in regard to the profession of physical therapy. However, I am not satisfied with this breath of knowledge. I yearn for the opportunity to gain a further understanding in terms of “how and why” physical therapy is successful at restoring function to individuals seeking
Coming on to my seventh week here at CBI Physiotherapy, I am still really enjoying it. Now that I have spent 60 hours here, I am becoming more familiar with the patients and their injuries. When someone comes into the clinic, it is my job to set them up with either ice or heat, depending on their injury. This requires me to know where their injury is located, how long since they have become injured, and what treatment they require. Some of the athletes come into the clinic with athletic tape on them so, I have to remove that before I begin their treatment. I like to call the CBU athletes “frequent flyers” of the clinic. Most of them are in here almost every single day. Even though I am only here on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, I am starting to remember everyone and knowing exactly what they need when they arrive. I do not have to ask my supervisor Colette what to do, but she always lets me know if something has changed since the last time I saw them.
Counselor met with Pt. for his monthly individual session. Counselor and Pt. discussed his progress in treatment, any medication issue, any triggers and acceptance of his TX plan. Pt. signed his Record Service sheet. Pt. indicated that he does not attend the clinic Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday and he likes having more time in his schedule because he likes to take care of his business and different errands. Pt. verbalized how hard it is to stay away from his business because worried about his employees and clients. Pt. stated, “The business is like my kid,” Pt. spoke about how he is thinking about opening a second shop around this area. Pt. commented that he isn’t experiencing serious side effects and prescribed medication is working well. Pt. informed this
Interviewing is one of several ways to collect valuable information. I found out that the way in which a person prepares questions, the way those questions are asked, and how a person responds to the answers given is going to affect the amount and quality of feedback. For this assignment, I choose to interview Alyssa Cram, my high school track coach, who is also currently an occupational therapist and a rehabilitation coordinator for Millennium Therapy. I choose her because she was a very influential leader in my high school years and she has knowledge in a related profession to therapeutic recreation. Interviewing is a difficult task and the fact became very evident to me throughout the process.
The case study showed integration with the five patient/client management elements where the therapist went through these elements to reach to the optimum management for the patient. The examination of the patient problem took its place followed by the evaluating the patient examination to take the clinical judgment based on the finding. The therapist then reported the suspected diagnosis from the examination and evaluation from the physical therapy view. Prognosis was designed where the therapist determined the predicted level of improvement, goals, treatment, duration and frequency of the treatment session, and the intervention. The intervention was applied by the therapist through applying the treatment, documentation, changing of the treatment plan accordingly, communicating the other disciplines as the physician, and educating the patient.
The day-to-day writing in the field of Physical Therapy varies depending on the audience. The audience determines the purpose of the writing and writing style. Physical Therapists (PT) use evidence-based exercises and activities to rehabilitate their patients in order for them to reach their unique goal. Since PT’s work with both medical professionals and patients, they must adjust their writing to be able to communicate effectively. PT’s are just one of the many people in the medical field that may work with a particular patient so it is important that the communication between the different layers of the medical field are precise and clear. Writing to a patient is also important because they are the person who is being directly affected
Improving the human experience is the ultimate goal of physical therapy. To optimize movement and impact patient care, the physical therapist must engage a process of service by personally connecting with the patient in order to completely understand and validate the experience. Once a complete knowledge of the individual’s circumstances is discerned, a treatment plan can be developed, allowing patient to reach highest potential of mobility. A constant and consistent study of research and new methods of treatment will support and ensure the most effective treatment plans. Through strong commitment to the profession of physical therapy, transformation of a society can be achieved.
Furthermore, a multidisciplinary team meeting will be presented to identify the impact of different health care professionals such as a physiotherapist, an occupational therapist and a nurse have on a patient with complex need and how the patient receives the care needed due to the collaborative practice. In addition, a comparison between physiotherapy, occupational therapy and nursing practice will be outlined
The physical therapy profession is concerned with treating individuals of all ages. In the future, I plan on being able to comfort individuals undergoing physical therapy by being able to use my compassionate nature, caring, understanding, and the expertise that I will gain, while serving as their physical therapist. In doing the previously mentioned things, I hope to be considered as an important asset to society. I believe that people will be able to increase their viability by seeking my assistance.
A recent study conducted by Peiris, Taylor and Shields explores how much the patients value the interactions with physiotherapists or other patients more than the amount or content of treatment they receive (Peiris, Taylor & Shields 2012). The study examines that how inpatients in a rehabilitation explain their experience of physiotherapy and how experiences differ if they receive additional physiotherapy on Saturdays (Peiris, Taylor & Shields 2012). The article states previous studies as background information to orientate the reader to the discussion and there are two specific questions at the end of introduction which tell the reader what the study aims. The article describes how many participants were recruited for the study and their characteristics such as sex, age, types of diseases and length of time for interview. Furthermore, the result of the study is measured by reliable methodology which are in-depth interview and a pre-interview and those are proven methods in other studies to identify the perspectives of the patients. The article has a clear structure to follow from the beginning to the end, therefore this article can be considered well written. Although participants of the study were recruited by purposive sampling to include diversity of population, findings of the study are not necessarily generalizable as the article illustrates in the discussion part (Wiles et al 2002 cited in
Life can change in a split second when an unanticipated injury or disease hinders someone’s normal daily life. Modern medicine, physicians and families can only do so much but physical therapy can help recoup the life many of us take for granted. It often isn’t until we lose something that we as humans realize what we had such as the value of our body’s ability to take us through each day. A physical therapist is the person who stays with a patient for the duration of the rehabilitation process. A physical therapist leads the patient through the process of regaining physical strength and helps the patient regain control of their future. Much like many careers that involve interaction with individuals, physical therapy reaches beyond
Health and well-being is a high priority in current health and social care provision. The importance of promoting health and well-being is due to the dramatically increasing trend of morbidity and mortality from health problems, illness and chronic disease. Physiotherapists have potentially a significant role in the multidisciplinary health promotion arena. As physiotherapists can promote health in dynamic of ways and make contribution to the community. The promotion of health to enable individuals suffers from illness or has chronic conditions to improve their potential for healthy living.