
Piaget's Stages Of Child Development

Decent Essays

1. Tim is most likely withdrawn because of his traumatic experience as a young child. From the start of Tim’s life, he is already predisposed to an idea of abandonment with the type of relationship he had with his birth mother the first few years of his life. Tim’s mother going into the role of more so a sibling than parental figure most likely set the stage for these ideas of the instability of relationships. Though he was successful with his grandma, the household dynamic was set up in a confusing way for a young child. Without the full understanding of the situation and these dynamics, left Tim to come up with his own idea of his role in the family. According to Piaget’s stages of cognitive operations, at this time in Tim’s life he would …show more content…

These qualities give off a reserved impression that aren’t necessarily welcoming or apt for making friends. As piously mentioned Tim has had minimal experience with children his own age, which many be causing these symptoms of anxiety. . Furthermore, isolation itself has its own additional concerns. Social isolation can often lead to many other negative symptoms. There is an increased rate of depression, less energy, and even potentially shorter lifespans (Social Wellness, 2007). If this isolation continues, Tim will be at an even more increased rate of these negative consequences. With Tim already showing shyness and introversion in school, furthers this isolation. These facts may be hard for Tim to come over in this setting due to his sense of trust vs mistrust. According to Erikson, at the beginning stages of life infants are learning how to understand the world and that their basic needs will be met (Hutchison, 2013, p. 437). Tim idea of trust vs mistrust has been corrupted by his mother and grandmother being taken away from him. This can seen, when Tim first moved into the Brady’s household. It took a significant time to trust the Brady’s and develop a relationship with them. The inability to form trust often leads to increased hostility, which leads to loneliness additionally making it harder to warm up to …show more content…

It is noted in the case study, that Tim wondered if his mother and grandmother left him because he was “too naughty.” From this idea, in Tim’s mind he needs to overcompensate for these failures and be better for his new family. Yet, in reality he has done nothing wrong. This goes back to the idea of cognitive development and how this can affect a child. Moreover, the shyness and nail biting that Tim is exhibiting are signs of anxiousness. This anxiousness comes from his internal idea of how he views himself in school. Furthermore, Tim is potentially worried about the reaction of others in his classroom if he were to try to start a friendship with them. An aspect of self-evaluation is comparing themselves to their peers and obtaining a personal reflection of oneself in relation to others (Hutchison, 2013, p. 560) Still, from this self-evaluation, internal and external frames of reference are both at play. By constantly being alone and isolating himself from others, one can come to the conclusion why Tim would consider himself bad. His role in relation to others as somewhat an outsider, could cause him to further play into these ideas of himself. These thoughts stem from his own personal perception of himself and how he fits in along with everyone

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