
Pierre Ambroise Francois Choderlos Laclos

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Pierre Ambroise Francois Choderlos Laclos wrote what was one of the most scandalous writings of his time. He was born October 18th 1741 and died September 5th, 1803 at the age of 61. He was considered a beginners writer and to have a morbid look on human relations which is what he choose to write about in Dangerous Liaisons. Although he was a military official with little literary training his book Les Liaisons Dangereuses came to be literally acclaimed in the 18th century. Laclos was born into a Bourgeois family in 1760 he was sent to Ecole royale d 'artillerie de La Fere . In 1771 he was promoted to Captain and became bored with normal military life and began writing small poems at first and later a opera. He also started an …show more content…

Dangerous Liaisons is a thrilling and enthralling account of the sordid, scandalous aspiring and often secretive lives of the noble class in the 18th century right before the French Revolution. Dangerous liaisons brings to life a tale of betrayal and revenge through aristocratic women and a rather promiscuous noble young man. As these aristocratic women are eager to climb the social ladder and find loves that are befitting them and their social class they are unaware they are apart of an elaborate scheme for a mere women 's amusement and experimentation. The book is written as though they are letters between everyone involved from main characters Madame de Tourvel, Vicomte de Valmont, Cecile, Madame de Volanges, Marquise De Merteuil, and Madame de Rosemunde. There are many themes coming into play that are most prominent during the 18th century in daily noble lives. First being that of war a minor fight in Corsica, is in the background of Dangerous Liaisons. War is also discussed in saying that “battle” is the metaphor Merteuil and Valmont use to describe their sexual exploits. “Either you have a rival or you don 't. If you have one, you must set out to please, so as to be preferred to him. If you don 't have one, you must still please so as to obliviate the possibility of having

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